Disciplined and compassionate person committed to providing optimum patient care and bring healing. Energetic Healthcare professional with four years of experience in hospital setting in the healthcare filed. Highly skilled in addressing acute and chronic conditions. Resourceful navigation of complex healthcare environments to optimize patient care. I am seeking a Full time or Part Time position with growth opportunities while achieving my education of becoming a Private Pilot where my skills will contribute to owning a reputable Private Pilot license career
2019-Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR & AED)
Awarded by American Heart Association (UPDATE)
2015 - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Awarded by American Red Cross Washington D.C
2015- Dental Radiation Safety Certification (RDA)
Awarded by VCU School of Dentistry
2016- Fabrication of Provisional Crowns and Bridges
(Ce Credited Course)
Taken at VCU School of Dentistry
2017- Creating Predictable Restorations: Crown Lengthening ( Ce Credited Course)
Taken at VCU School of Dentistry
2017 -Minimally Invasive Antimicrobial Treatment for Moderate or Advanced Periodontal Disease
(Ce Credited Course)
Taken at VCU School of Dentistry