Medical Coder with a history of meeting business-privacy and compliance in doing very well demonstrate into knowing what’s it’s like to continue education (take direction) and results-driven, having a job. Beginning 2021 (2 years) I have accomplished enough experience, earned through a program for providers and facilities as a medical coder, coming with this background my education and experience. Take on jobs, commitment to medical coding, never skip or quit. Take on additional roles to be Skilled in working under pressure and adapting to over 7,770 ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes mapped to an HCC to best maximize your reimbursement and continuously improve coding workflow. Certified Professional Coder, highly skilled in operating equipment, flexible and willing to learn new things coming from coding systems, to be cross trained into fast payments and avoid denials. Leveraging skills include medical coding in various healthcare specialties working with others. Commit to a task to see something through essential completeness and accuracy to avoid fraud. Take on assignment second-to-none customer service.