Adept Marine Science Technician First Class with a proven track record at USCG, I excel in marine engineering and fostering team development. Expertise in environmental monitoring and innovative problem-solving has significantly advanced scientific understanding of marine impacts from climate change, demonstrating exceptional analytical and leadership abilities.
Primary duties: Facility Inspector, foreign vessel examiner, explosive handler supervisor, waterways management representative and container inspector
Collateral duties: Pollution responder, facility inspector, honor guard detail, and morale committee member.
Primary duties: Facility Inspector, foreign vessel examiner, explosive handler supervisor, waterways management representative and container inspector.
Collateral duties: Honor guard detail, LDAC, partners in education representative, morale committee, officer of the day and woman's leadership symposium planning committee.
Tour Highlights: Executed over 150 facility inspections, oversight of Port of Longview transition to a facility of particular hazards. Support team member of Defense Navy Load Out mission in fort Ridley ensuring compliance with Hazardous Material shipping standards.
Waterways representative processed 47 marine applications contributed to safety and security of a $29 billion waterway.
Advanced from MST3 to MST1 in one tour.
Attained Marine safety Insignia met all field operation, and qualification criteria of a designated marine safety, security and stewardship professional.
Primary Duties: Facility Inspector, pollution responder
Collateral Duties: Domestic vessel Inspection, Pollution responder, habitat for humanity volunteer, big brother big sister, honor guard team member.
Tour highlights: Provided safety and security support for Liquefied Petroleum Gas shipments to the port of providence, Rhode Island. Four LPG deliveries with over 48,000 metric tons of propane in response to national crisis situation caused by extreme cold weather conditions.
Competed MST "A" School
Volunteered time to support Battleship Wisconsin and Habitat for humanity.
Seaman to Fireman on CGC Hamilton and CGC Boutwell
Primary duties: Security watch stander, generator and machinery qualified.
Collateral duties: DSPQS, aviation fuel handler, damage control investigator team, boarding team member.
5/10/2023 Achievement Medal
5/12/2022 CG COMDT Ltr of Comm Ribbon
02-28-2022 Prevent Ops Ash Qual Insignia
02-20-2022 DHS Outstanding Unit Award
08-10-2021CG Good Conduct Medal
02-09-2021Armed Forces Service Medal
08-10-2018CG Good Conduct Medal
06-16-2017CG Achievement Medal
08-10-2015CG Good Conduct Medal
01-24-2015CG Meritorious Team Comm Ribbon
10-11-2013CG Rifle Marksman Ribbon
05-20-2013CG Unit Commendation Ribbon
05-20-2013CG COMDT Ltr of Comm Ribbon
04-12-2013CG Meritorious Team Comm Ribbon
08-10-2012CG Good Conduct Medal
07-28-2012CG "E" Ribbon
05-12-2011CG Meritorious Team Comm Ribbon
04-22-2011CG Special Ops Service Ribbon
03-14-2011CG Unit Commendation Ribbon
10-10-2010CG Sea Service Ribbon
08-26-2010Humanitarian Service Medal
04-19-2010Meritorious Unit Commendation
10-02-2009National Defense Service Medal
09-08-2009CG Pistol Marksman Ribbon
Lead Auditor ISO 9001
RYT 200 Hour Yoga Certified
Coast Guard 2012 "Born Ready" Advertising Commercial
Lead Auditor ISO 9001
RYT 200 Hour Yoga Certified
Coast Guard 2012 "Born Ready" Advertising Commercial