Work History

Angel Westerkamp

PreK-5 Teacher


Enthusiastic Grade Three Teacher seeks K-3 position with Forrest Hills School. Well versed in working with many populations, private school, urban and rural schools. Excelling in fostering student success and community engagement. Leveraged tailored instruction and data tracking to significantly enhance learning outcomes. Expert in establishing high standards and building strong relationships, demonstrating both innovative teaching methods and effective communication skills.


years of professional experience

Work History

Grade Three Teacher

Cincinnati Public Schools; Ethel Taylor Academy
08.2024 - Current
  • Developed strong relationships with students, parents, and colleagues by maintaining open lines of communication and fostering a supportive learning environment. Third Grade had the best attendance in school and this was maintained by teacher to guardian home visits and direct communication.

  • Cultivated an excitement to learn, do well on state testing as well as iReady due to having students monitor their own success and track their own data.
  • Implemented targeted instructional strategies and focused on data-driven results to differentiate learning and hold small groups or individualized instructional time. Students are able to RSVP for extra help during my plan bell as well.

Grade One Teacher

West Clermont Withamsville-Tobasco Elementary
08.2022 - 07.2024

I reached out to a community church, collaborated, organized and implemented a Grade One Support Team with 15 rotating volunteers to assist in reading groups, 2 days a week for 5 different classes in our Grade One Team.

Utilized Acadience data to structured differentiation instruction to small groups or individuals with specific targeted goals to meet mastery.

TESOL Teacher

03.2019 - 08.2021

Delivered more than 3,000 classes utilizing an online platform teaching English as a second language by optimizing a vary of instructional approaches to communicate to each unique student while celebrating cultural differences and similarities.

PreK Lead Teacher/ Educational Assistant for 5 Yrs

Immaculate Heart of Mary
08.2015 - 08.2021

Worked as an educational assistant for 4 years in grades PreK-4th, assisting teachers to accommodate needs; such as, classroom management, small groups, scheduling and all paperwork for field trips, grading papers, providing breaks for students. Moved along to Lead PreK Teacher and Aftercare Lead.

Restructured After Care Program to imitate PreK classroom setting for enrichment and enjoyment for students to want to attend program.

Children's Caseworker

Department of Job and Family Services
03.1998 - 05.2004

Children's Protective Services caseworker managed caseload of 25 families for ongoing support while assessing child abuse, neglect and dependency; removal if at imminent danger. Design case plans, make and check up on referrals, testify in court. Complete home studies for prospective adoption families and supervised visitations.


Master of Arts - PreK- 5, Concentration On The Science of Reading

Mt Saint Joseph University
Cincinnati, OH
05.2001 -

Bachelor of Arts - Social Work

University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
05.2001 -


Oversee Student Data Tracking

Establish High Standards

Community Engagement

Tailored Instruction


Grade Three Teacher

Cincinnati Public Schools; Ethel Taylor Academy
08.2024 - Current

Grade One Teacher

West Clermont Withamsville-Tobasco Elementary
08.2022 - 07.2024

TESOL Teacher

03.2019 - 08.2021

PreK Lead Teacher/ Educational Assistant for 5 Yrs

Immaculate Heart of Mary
08.2015 - 08.2021

Master of Arts - PreK- 5, Concentration On The Science of Reading

Mt Saint Joseph University
05.2001 -

Bachelor of Arts - Social Work

University of Cincinnati
05.2001 -

Children's Caseworker

Department of Job and Family Services
03.1998 - 05.2004
Angel WesterkampPreK-5 Teacher