Work History
Membership In Professional Organizations
Fellowship And Scholarship
Research And Teaching Interests
Conference Panels Papers And Posters
Projects And Consultancies

Angela Manuel Manjichi

East Lansing,MI


Strategic-thinking project manager with several years of experience in budgeting and forecasting and risk management. Observant and resourceful professional dedicated to delivering project objectives within stipulated time, resource and budget constraints. Outstanding collaborator comfortable working with others in executing projects to achieve company objectives. Forward-thinking project management specialist confident in leading team members, managing schedules and coordinating resources. Keeps projects on-track with decisive supervision and quick problem-solving. Persuasive in communicating and negotiating with internal team members, vendors and other stakeholders. Dedicated Project Manager successful at work flow planning and staff retention strategies. Boosts productivity through innovative management and mentorship. Keen to apply new and emerging project organization techniques to increase overall performance.


years of professional experience

Work History

Project Manager

USAID Higher Education Career Development Initiative
01.2023 - Current
  • Developed annual workplans and annual budgets
  • Oversaw the annual workplan implementation
  • Reviewed and oversaw the implementing partners’ budgets
  • Oversaw the implementation of project’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)
  • Developed MEL data collection tools and prepared the MEL reports including the progress toward indicators
  • Compiled project’s success stories, lesson learned and project’s dashboards
  • Developed and oversaw the implementation of the gender action plan
  • Conducted literature review and research protocol design for the studies under the project
  • Provided technical support and backstopping to in country implementing partners
  • Developed data collection tools, organized data base and conducted data analysis
  • Prepared project reports, studies report, presentations and other reports and documents as requested
  • Prepared abstracts and presentations to disseminate in several meetings and events
  • Conducted employment market analysis and gender analysis
  • Conducted knowledge needs assessments and identified knowledge gaps and needs for higher education in Mozambique
  • Developed and reviewed career development curriculum
  • Developed and facilitated training programs on career development, employer engagement and gender in the workplace
  • Conducted needs assessment and developed capacity strengthening plan for in-country implementing partners
  • Reviewed project research protocols to ensure compliance with the Institutional Review Board
  • Developed a stakeholder engagement strategy and represented the project
  • Daily project administration and ensured compliance with the donor requirements

Project Specialist

Feed the Future Global Biotech Potato Partnership
01.2023 - Current
  • Developed annual workplans and annual budgets
  • Oversaw the annual workplan implementation
  • Reviewed and oversaw the implementing partners’ budgets and workplans
  • Oversaw the implementation of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) plan
  • Developed and implemented the MEL data collection tools and reports
  • Developed the product life cycle
  • Facilitated the development of seed production plans
  • Prepared information to be submitted to the innovation to impact platform (i2i)
  • Prepared project reports, and other documents as requested by the donor
  • Reviewed project research protocols to ensure compliance with the Institutional Review Board
  • Prepared meeting agendas, organized meeting and prepared meeting notes
  • Developed terms of references for project’s different assignments and consultancy requirements
  • Worked with the project communication specialist and managed the project’s social media
  • Daily project administration and ensure compliance with the donor requirements

Research Assistant

Feed the Future Global Biotech Potato Partnership
01.2022 - 05.2023
  • Conducted literature review and design research protocols (socio-economic analysis of potato, potato seed production, gender and potato production)
  • Administrative Management (organizing meetings, meeting notes, and follow up with partners on action items)
  • Oversaw the implementation of the monitoring, evaluation, and learning plan, including developing data collection tools, managing ME&L platforms (Smartsheet), and providing technical support to the in-country partners
  • Developed the Project Implementation Handbook
  • Prepared project narrative reports

Lead Officer Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

USAID Higher Education Career Development Initiative
10.2021 - 05.2023
  • Developed and oversaw the implementation of the Activity Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan
  • Coordinate the MEL activities
  • Trained the in-country implementing partners in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in USAID funded projects
  • In-country technical MEL backstopping
  • Oversaw the development of the Action Plan to Integrate of Gender and Person with Disabilities in project activities
  • Developed the Project Gender and Disabilities Analysis Report, including the development of data collection tools, obtaining the MSU Institutional Review Board approvals, supervising data collection, data analysis, and report writing
  • Technical support to in-country implementing partners
  • Prepared the Project Narrative Reports

Teaching Assistant

Center for Integrative Studies in General Science
01.2022 - 12.2022
  • Assisting faculty with classroom instruction, records, and assignments
  • Mentoring and coaching students
  • Conferencing with students individually or in small groups
  • Delivering laboratory lectures to four sections with 35 students in each section

Deputy Director General for Academics and Research

Higher Polytechnic Institute of Manica (ISPM)
01.2014 - 12.2017
  • Developed curriculum and introduced three new programs: a master program in Agriculture Systems Management, a BSc in Biotechnology and a BSc in Food Processing
  • Coordinate the National Evaluation and accreditation of undergraduate programs, with all the institution's academic programs accredited by the Mozambique National Quality Assurance
  • Coordinate the curriculum review process
  • Established the internal quality assurance body
  • Established the Gender Unit
  • Established the Institution Research Council
  • Coordinate the development of the institution's Strategic Plan approved by the Board of Directors
  • Developed a regulatory framework and policies on evaluation of academic staff, academic procedures and processes, research policy and student affairs
  • Established the eLearning platform
  • Negotiated and secured international funding for several programs including funds sponsoring students’ scholarship, students’ business plans and internships
  • Modernized the Academic Register with the adoption of a Learning Management Systems
  • Oversaw and supervised the work of Academic and Research Units (Faculties, Research Centers, Business Incubation Center and Academic Register)
  • Developed annual workplan and budgets
  • Prepared reports and other documents requested by Board of Directors, Government and donors
  • Established and implemented a stakeholder engagement strategy
  • Lecturer in agricultural extension, research methods, environmental management, rural groups development, gender in agriculture, participatory methods and project development


Higher Polytechnic Institute of Manica (ISPM)
01.2005 - 12.2017
  • Developed the unit syllabus, teaching, training materials and supervising undergraduate students
  • Lecturer in agricultural extension, research methods, environmental management, rural groups development, environmental management, gender in agriculture, participatory methods and project development
  • Supervised students’ projects, business plans and internships
  • Coordinated the development of the 2013 – 2017 ISPM Strategic Plan, approved by the ISPM Board Member of the internal quality assurance committee – development of quality assurance norms and procedures, periodic evaluation of quality standards
  • Coordinator of inclusion and diversity: developed institutional awareness programs on HIV/AIDS, Gender Mainstreaming

Director of the Business Incubator Centre

Higher Polytechnic Institute of Manica (ISPM)
01.2010 - 12.2014
  • Supervised the development of student entrepreneurship development programs
  • Supervised the development of training programs for local communities, including small and medium enterprises, farmers groups, and policymakers
  • Support business plan of graduate students including provision of funds and coaching services
  • Organized and supervised fundraising activities
  • Developed a curriculum in Agri-Supply Chain Management
  • Conducted policy analysis on youth employability in agricultural sector
  • Developed advocacy strategies aimed to reduce the barriers on youth employment in agricultural sector in Mozambique including advocacy on youth access to finance, access to land a public-private partnerships and agriculture insurance
  • Established the Emergent Farmers Programs and secured funds from Kiva and GAPI, two agencies supporting financial access, 18 students having access to the funds
  • Lecturer in agricultural extension, research methods, environmental management, rural groups development, gender in agriculture, participatory methods and project development
  • Developed and facilitated training programs on entrepreneurship, climate smart agriculture, gender in agriculture, business plan, budget management, environmental education
  • Conducted policy analysis on youth entrepreneurship, conservation agriculture, and gender in agriculture and developed fact sheets and policy briefs
  • Organized events as conferences, career fairs, agricultural fairs, webinars and institutional meetings with stakeholders

Research Assistant

Notre Dame University
01.2008 - 12.2009
  • Develop research protocols to analyze biochar
  • Data collection and data analysis
  • Report writing


Doctor of Philosophy - Community Sustainability

Michigan State University

Master of Environmental Management -

The University of Notre Dame Australia

Agronomy Engineering -

Eduardo Mondlane University


  • Communication skills
  • Decision making
  • Verbal and written communication
  • Project development and lifecycle
  • Budget development and adherence
  • Systems implementation
  • Project tracking
  • Workforce training
  • Conflict management
  • Team collaboration
  • Stakeholder communications
  • Budget preparation
  • Data analysis
  • Compliance monitoring
  • Problem-Solving
  • Team building and management
  • Computer literacy
  • Collaboration tools
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Qualitative data analysis
  • Project Management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Use of Smartsheet, ASANA, Slack, and PowerBI
  • Collaborative learning
  • Research proposals
  • Student-centered learning
  • Career counseling
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Research writing
  • Course planning
  • Curriculum creation
  • Progress reporting
  • Course lecturing
  • Attention to detail
  • Curriculum development
  • Public speaking
  • Advanced data analysis
  • Scientific writing
  • Project management
  • Quantitative research
  • Qualitative research

Membership In Professional Organizations

  • Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education
  • Foundation for Community Development, Mozambique
  • African Studies Association

Fellowship And Scholarship

  • 2020, Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Teaching, Michigan State University
  • 2019, Islamic Development Bank Scholarship
  • 2017, Fulbright Scholar
  • 2016, McKnight Foundation Leadership Project
  • 2011, Africa Women in Agriculture Research and Development (AWARD) fellowship, sponsored by Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research, held in several countries for two years
  • 2010, Netherlands Fellowship Program, sponsored by the Netherlands government.
  • 2008, Australian Development Scholarship

Research And Teaching Interests

  • Sustainable agriculture, livelihoods and international development
  • Socio-ecological systems
  • Natural resources management and Governance
  • Youth and Gender Development
  • Climate change adaptation, food security and development
  • Agricultural Education and Extension
  • Participatory methods, action research and mixed methods research in international development


  • Portuguese, Native
  • English, Fluent


  • Woodhouse, P.; Veldwishch, G. J.; Venot, J. P.; Komatech, H. & Manjichi, A., African farmer-led irrigation: Reframing Agricultural Policy and Investment., Journal of Peasant Studies, 44, 1, 213-227, 2017
  • Manjichi, A., Phosporous Effcient Bean Project: Sucesses, lessons, and good practices in agroecological intensification., Evaluation Report, Arusha, 2017
  • Beekman, W. & Manjichi, A., Private sector, local entrepreneurs, artisans, and technicians training needs assessment in irrigation., Needs Assessment Report, Maputo, 2015
  • Cachomba, I.; Nhantumbo, A. & Manjichi, A., Opportunities and constraints in maize value chains in central Mozambique., Report, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), 2014
  • Manjichi, A.; Maunze, J.; Alface, F., Sustentabilidade das Associacoes Agropecuárias na Provincia de Manica y Sofala., Baseline Report, Maputo, 2012

Conference Panels Papers And Posters

  • 2019, Interrogating the Boundaries of African Partnership in Africa Studies., Panel Roundtable, 62nd Annual meeting of the African Studies’ Association, Boston, US
  • 2019, Innovative Platforms and Partnerships - SIMLESA., Paper, Crawford Fund 2019 Annual Conference: Weathering the 'perfect Storm' Addressing the Agriculture, Energy, Water, Climate Nexus., Canberra, Australia
  • 2014, Use of ICT in Sustainable Intensification of Maize and Legume Cropping Systems in Mozambique., Poster, 9th Conference of the Asian Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture 'ICTs for future Economic and Sustainable Agricultural Systems'., Perth, Australia
  • 2014, Gender Issues and Sustainable Intensification of Maize and Legume Cropping Systems. Case Study of Mozambique., Poster, Annual Review and Planning Meeting on Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Cropping Systems for Food Security in Eastern and Southern Africa., Addis, Ethiopia
  • 2013, Rethinking agricultural cooperative for household development. Case studies of agriculture cooperatives in Mozambique., Poster, 11th African Crop Science Society Conference Theme: Sowing innovation for sustainable food and nutrition security in Africa., Entebbe, Uganda
  • 2013, Alternative models for scaling out agriculture innovation: how can reach and change smallholder farmers livelihoods., Paper, 11th African Crop Science Society Conference Theme: Sowing innovation for sustainable food and nutrition security in Africa., Entebbe, Uganda

Projects And Consultancies

  • 2016, Communication and scaling officer in the AGRA funded project 'Strength maize and soybean seed value chain by enhancing the production of breeder, pre-basic and basic seeds of new improved varieties in Beira corridor and Zambeze valley districts', Developed the project outreach strategy and the monitoring and evaluation protocols, Trained project staff on data collection for monitoring and evaluation.
  • 2015, Gender and Curriculum Development specialist in the NICHE-Netherlands funded Project 'Improved capacity for affordable quality seed production and utilization in the Zambezi Valley', Developed the gender strategy and action plan, Integrated gender content in existing agriculture programs, Developed training materials for faculty and rural communities, Trained faculty, extension workers, and rural communities on gender and inclusion themes.
  • 2015 - 2016, Country Lead Researcher NWO-ARF funded project 'Unravelling the potential of farmer-led irrigation development in the BAGC, Mozambique', Developed the research protocols, Coordinated the data collection and analysis
  • 2015 - 2017, Mozambique Lead Researcher in the ESR-funded project 'Studying African Farmer-Led Irrigation Development (SAFI)', Coordinate and supervised the country's research activities, Prepare the data collection and analysis tools, Prepare the project reports, Managed a £ 80,000.00 budget
  • 2013 - 2015, Co-coordinator curriculum development and training in the World Bank Funded Project 'National Program for Capacity Development in Irrigation in Mozambique', Conducted labor market needs assessment, including literature review, protocol design, data collection, analysis and report writing, Developed training materials for extensionist and agriculture colleges, Conducted training programs, Supervised the development of curriculum in irrigation and markets.
  • 2013 - 2014, Lead Researcher in the ACIAR-funded project 'Mobile phone system for the delivery of information to farmers and agribusinesses to support the sustainable intensification of maize and legume farming systems in East and Southern Africa, with potential applications in regional Australia.', Coordinated and supervised the field activities, Prepared the data collection and analysis tools, Prepared the project reports, Managed a budget of US$80 000.00
  • 2011 - 2014, Mozambique Gender and Monitoring and Evaluation focal person in the project 'Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legumes Cropping Systems for Eastern and Southern Africa (SIMLESA)', Conducted the country's gender analysis and developed the gender action plan, Developed advocacy strategy on gender in sustainable intensification, innovation platforms in sustainable agriculture, Developed the country's Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and supervised the country's monitoring and evaluation activities., Established the Country’s Innovation Platforms, Prepared and presented conference abstracts, presentations and posters
  • 2012 - 2013, Project Coordinator in the NEPAD Business Foundation funded project 'Supply Chain Entrepreneurship Development Program.', Development of a Supply Chain Management curriculum in agriculture., Produced the Learners ‘guide on (1) Introduction to Logistics, (2) Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management, (3) Internship in Agri-supply chain, Managed the Project Budget of ZAR 263 000.00
  • 2011 - 2012, Project Coordinator of the NUFFIC-funded project 'Toward integration of TVET in Manica province. Building Synergies between Secondary and Higher Level', Conducted policy analysis and developed fact sheets and white papers on TVET and Higher Education in Mozambique, Established a pilot program to facilitate the transition of TVET students to higher education, Coordinated and supervised the activities, Managed the Project budget: € 180 000.00
  • 2010-2012, Project Manager of the Kellogg Foundation funded project 'Support the establishment of ISPM Project.', Oversee the project management, including preparing project work plans and reports, stakeholder communication and engagement, coordinating and supervising the project activities, Managed the Project budget: US$ 1 500 000.00


Full Professional
Native/ Bilingual


  • Dr. John Kerr, Professor, Michigan State University,
  • Dr. David Douches, Professor and Director of MSU Potato Breeding & Genetics, Plant Breeding Genetics, Michigan State University,
  • Dr. Matthew Wawrzynski, Professor, Michigan State University,
  • Dr. Jennifer Marcy, Professor and Director of the Global Nonprofit Leadership Program, Michigan State University,
  • Steven Longabaugh, Project Manager, Michigan State University,


Project Manager

USAID Higher Education Career Development Initiative
01.2023 - Current

Project Specialist

Feed the Future Global Biotech Potato Partnership
01.2023 - Current

Research Assistant

Feed the Future Global Biotech Potato Partnership
01.2022 - 05.2023

Teaching Assistant

Center for Integrative Studies in General Science
01.2022 - 12.2022

Lead Officer Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

USAID Higher Education Career Development Initiative
10.2021 - 05.2023

Deputy Director General for Academics and Research

Higher Polytechnic Institute of Manica (ISPM)
01.2014 - 12.2017

Director of the Business Incubator Centre

Higher Polytechnic Institute of Manica (ISPM)
01.2010 - 12.2014

Research Assistant

Notre Dame University
01.2008 - 12.2009


Higher Polytechnic Institute of Manica (ISPM)
01.2005 - 12.2017

Doctor of Philosophy - Community Sustainability

Michigan State University

Master of Environmental Management -

The University of Notre Dame Australia

Agronomy Engineering -

Eduardo Mondlane University
Angela Manuel Manjichi