Work History
Theoretical Frameworks & Training
Clinical Focus
Anne C. Johnson

Anne C. Johnson

Saint Louis Park,MN


Motivated and dedicated mental health professional with years of management experience demonstrating high level of initiative and collaboration Possessing a exceptional work ethic with passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion, especially within the work place. History of coaching and developing teams to successful outcomes. Decisive leader with excellent communication, planning and organizational skills.


years of professional experience

Work History

Sr. Clinical Trainer

Canopy Roots
Minneapolis, MN
06.2024 - Current
  • Develop training content aligned with Canopy's values that promotes best practices and culturally responsive approaches.
  • Prepare and facilitate training curriculum that is engaging and adaptive to multiple learning styles and adult learning techniques.
  • Provide effective virtual and in-person training for internal staff, external stakeholders, and mental health professionals.
  • Created and co-facilitated live training for 2024 MSSA Conference, 'What Makes Space Safe: Mitigating and Healing from Vicarious and Racialized Work Trauma.'
  • Created comprehensive training, 'Culturally Responsive Care: The Six Core Concepts,' 'An Introduction: Racial Identity Development,' and 'Understanding Trauma Triggers and Responses.'
  • Authored and wrote agency HIPAA Compliance Training, and served as agency Compliance Officer from 2021 through 2023.


Canopy Mental Health & Consulting
Minneapolis, MN
08.2021 - Current
  • Provides individual, couples, and family psychotherapy to adolescents and adults.
  • Facilitates group psychotherapy to Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color who have experienced racialized work trauma.
  • Writes diagnostic assessments, treatment plans, and progress notes that align with clients' cultural needs and background.
  • Provides clinical supervision to developing clinicians for both the Board of Social Work and Board of Behavioral Health; eligible to provide supervision for pre-licensed clinicians seeking their LICSW and LPCC.

Clinical Manager

Canopy Mental Health & Consulting
Minneapolis, MN
08.2021 - 05.2024
  • Managed and supervised a team of outpatient psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and administrative staff who are committed to offering quality mental health services to BIPOC and other marginalized populations.
  • Developed agency policies, procedures, and practices; participated in high-level decision-making meetings; oversaw internal and external agency communication.
  • Consulted with ownership and later other leadership staff to build and manage a strategy aimed at improving and integrating culturally affirming spaces, services, and programs.
  • Provided clinical and administrative supervision to developing clinicians in accordance with licensing board requirements and ethical guidelines.
  • Coordinated community partnerships with other agencies (Richfield Public Schools, Diversity In Practice, Affinity Care MN, Fernbrook, Gustavus College, University of Riverfalls-Wisconsin, CADA, MSSA, Minnesota Psychiatric Society, etc.) by collectively working to identify needs and service deliverables that support anti-oppressive frameworks and empower BIPOC voices.
  • Analyzed RFP requirements, prepared, and co-authored requests for proposals that aligned with Canopy's values and norms, and centered on culturally responsive client services.
  • Managed the onboarding (interviews and hiring), offboarding (termination and transition), and created training process for clinicians, psychiatrists, and administrative team members.
  • Collaborated with other Canopy teams/departments to ensure future policies and procedures align with Canopy's culture, with considerations for clinical compliance, accessibility to care, identifying system barriers, and providing quality customer service.
  • Processed payroll, developed marketing materials, and website updates, oversaw the opening and launch of new office space, and managed the day-to-day operations of the outpatient clinic.

Supervisor, Day Treatment

Headway Emotional Health
Hopkins, MN
08.2020 - 08.2021
  • Managed and supervised a Children's Therapeutic Services and Supports (CTSS) day treatment team of psychotherapists and mental health practitioners in a multi-disciplinary agency that provided integrated services, such as psychoeducation/skills, academics, individual, group, and family therapy to adolescents aged 12-18 and their families.
  • Provided direct licensing and administrative supervision to both licensed and unlicensed mental health practitioners/clinicians.
  • Led weekly clinical group consultation meetings for mental health practitioners, following state, agency, and board requirements and specifications.
  • Wrote and facilitated annual staff performance reviews, while managing annual peer reviews (e.g., chart audits) and performance development plans for therapists and mental health workers.
  • Managed program budget in conjunction with monthly productivity reports, program goals, and county/state funding.
  • Hired and onboarded new day treatment staff and oversaw the interviews, hiring, and management of day treatment interns.
  • Administered determination meetings that include psychosocial assessments and clinical interviews with adolescents and families.


Enliven Psychotherapy
St. Paul, MN
10.2017 - 07.2021
  • Facilitated individual, family, and couples' psychotherapy in private practice for teen and adult clients.
  • Conducted culturally responsive psychosocial and intake diagnostic assessments for new clients, provided referrals, and recommendations for higher levels of care when necessary.
  • Completed comprehensive individual treatment plans and other documentation required by insurance companies, agency, and board compliant.

Adjunct Faculty

University of Minnesota-Duluth
Duluth, MN
01.2021 - 05.2021
  • Taught 'Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice' to undergraduate college students at the University of MN Duluth School of Social Work.
  • Developed syllabus and semester projects/assignments that challenged typical classroom learning by removing the required textbooks and relying on literature developed and written by BIPOC voices.
  • Created presentations and provided lectures on anti-racist/oppressive framework in clinical (direct practice) and community practice settings.

Treatment Coordinator, Day Treatment

Headway Emotional Health
Hopkins, MN
03.2019 - 07.2020
  • Led therapist team meetings, supervised bachelor and master level interns, and provided clinical guidance and support during 're-admit' meetings and determination meetings.
  • Coordinated, participated, and facilitated skills and therapy groups for adolescents struggling with mental and emotional health issues.
  • Planned and presented a skills curriculum that focused on multiculturalism, diversity, pro-social coping skills, interpersonal effectiveness, self-esteem, and relationship building.
  • Created and developed intake policies, procedures, and documentation to streamline the admit process, increased client enrollment, and maintained clinician productivity expectations.

Psychotherapist, Day Treatment

Headway Emotional Health
Hopkins, MN
05.2016 - 03.2019
  • Provided individual, family, and group therapy to adolescents (ages 12-18) and their families who are struggling with mental and emotional health challenges by using evidence-based practices and family systems approaches.
  • Facilitated process group therapy for teens struggling with social and emotional issues; topics included: race, culture, and identity; adoption; gender and sexual identity; grief and loss; self-esteem; and anxiety disorders.
  • Completed clinical assessments, diagnostic assessments, intake paperwork, treatment plans, referrals, discharge summaries, and crisis interventions following Rule 47 guidelines and Department of Human Service requirements.
  • Consulted with community providers, including but not limited to outpatient therapists, case managers, social workers, psychiatry, and other health care providers, to streamline and coordinate client care.

Program Manager / Training Coordinator

St. Paul, MN
07.2011 - 05.2016
  • Managed daily operations to ensure agency and staff provided services and deliverables that met both organizational and Minnesota Department of Human Services requirements.
  • Managed and coordinated statewide adoption-related trainings for adoptive, kinship, and foster parents on topics that included reactive attachment disorder, complex trauma, grief and loss, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, racial, and adoption identity.
  • Hired and contracted with local and national trainers, negotiated contracts, and developed training material.
  • Wrote Quarterly Reports that were submitted to MN DHS and co-authored Request for Proposals (RFP) for program funding.
  • Launched first-ever online webinar training format for agency by collaborating with national adoption experts that offered education and support to adoptive families and mental health professionals, case workers, child recruiters, and child and family therapists.
  • Coordinated three successful all-day MN Adopt Conferences by hiring speakers/trainers, moderators, creating marketing materials, organizing conference registration, promoting sales table, and working with hotel event staff.
  • Hosted multiple community events that promoted permanency in child welfare, including foster care holiday shopping with the MN Timberwolves, Adoption Night with the MN Lynx, History Center Orphan Train event, and annual adoption celebration, Circus of the Heart.
  • Managed and planned multiple fundraising events that raised over $30,000 over the course of four years. Secured event hosts, guest speakers, entertainment, marketing, vendors, and overaw silent auction.
  • Provided interviews to news outlets such as KSTP, KARE 11, and Radio Disney, discussing agency mission/services while promoting 'Zero Kids Waiting' campaign and speaking on permanency.

Communication & Adoption Specialist

St. Paul, MN
11.2008 - 06.2011
  • Controlled internal and external communication for MN ADOPT through resources and referrals to adoption-competent services and trainings.
  • Created all agency and program marketing materials (print, website/online, conference displays).
  • Authored and edited monthly eNewsletter and Fact Sheets that included adoption legislation and trends, teen depression, healthy and unhealthy sexual development, and teen runaways.
  • Established the first state-funded program, Adoptees Have Answers (AHA), under the agency umbrella that provided a platform for teen and adult adoptees to receive resources, support, and education led by adult adoptees.

Motivational Speaker

Minneapolis Business College
Roseville, MN
09.2008 - 05.2009
  • Facilitated and traveled to over 20+ schools statewide to provide in-person training workshops on conflict resolution, how to interview for jobs, 401K/Roth investments, and other topics targeted to high school students.
  • Worked as a customer service representative, providing information and promoting resources that Minneapolis Business College offers to prospective students.

Educational Services Supervisor / Seminar Coordinator

National Notary Association
Chatsworth, CA
04.2002 - 10.2007
  • Managed 40+ staff (trainers, program/curriculum developers, and warmline staff) that delivered educational training on state Notary law and best practices, fraud, and real estate throughout California and the United States.
  • Presented over 150 annual in-person and online trainings to national audiences of 50-150 members.
  • Oversaw staff schedules, expenses, and department budgets; service delivery objectives; customer service; and product sales. Wrote and reviewed educational curriculum and training materials.
  • Hired and interviewed new staff, coordinated new hire orientation and onboarding by updating documentation, and creating training procedures.
  • Collaborated with other department team leads (legal, marketing, customer service, operations, and fulfillment) to ensure the quality of services and products.
  • Planned national conferences each year that served over 1,000 Notaries internationally, held in multiple cities/states. Tasks included coordinating all breakout sessions, hiring presenters/trainers, organizing the welcome/farewell banquets, organizing conference registration/sales table, coordinating excursions, and working with food/drink vendors, and audiovisual/hotel event staff.
  • Elected to be the primary presenter for one of the largest training classes on 'How to Be a Signing Agent,' with over 300 conference attendees.


Master of Science - Clinical, Families & Children

University of Minnesota, School of Social Work
St. Paul, MN

Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies, Health Science

Luther College


  • Licensed Social Worker
  • Board Approved Supervisor for social work and board of behavioral health
  • Credentialed Mental Health Professional
  • Culturally responsive, trauma and attachment lens
  • Psychosocial Perspective
  • Community & Partnership Engagement
  • Policy Development & Implementation
  • Staff Coaching, Training & Development
  • Contract Deliverables, Management, and Evaluation
  • Collaborative and Cross-Functional Teamwork
  • Skilled Leadership and Mentoring Skills
  • Business & Budget Planning
  • Project, Staff & Time Management
  • Strategic & Organizational Planning
  • Visionary and Creative Thinker
  • Diversity and Clinical Consultant
  • Effective and skilled oral and written communication

Theoretical Frameworks & Training

Theoretical Frameworks, including the following works of non-fiction:

  • Intersectionality, cross-cultural communication, anti-racist/anti-oppressive, and concepts of culturally responsive care.
  • Decentering Whiteness in the Workplace by Janice Gassam Asare, Healing Justice Lineages by Cara Page & Erica Woodland, Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall, How to Be An Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi, Minor Feelings by Cathy Park Hong, My Grandmother's Hands by Resmaa Menakem, New Perspectives on Racial Identity Development by Charmine L. Wijeyesinghe & Bailey W. Jackson III, Posttraumatic Slave Syndrome by Dr. Joy DeGruy, The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk, M.D., and Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh, Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum, etc.

Continuing Education & Training Offerings:

  • Completed "Worldview Reflections as a Decolonizing Methodology: Internal Family Systems" by Susan Hermann, PhD, LICSW and Susan McVicker, PhD, LPC.
  • Completed "The Power of Civility in the Social Service Workplace: Change the Conversation" by Stephanie Perry, MSS, LSW, DSW.
  • Completed "BIPOC Mental Health Awareness: A Deeper Dive" by Asfia Qaadir, D.O.
  • Attended "Beyond Surviving: Making Racial Healing a Priority for Racial Justice" with Dr. Joy DeGruy.
  • Attended "Toward a Just Minnesota: The 2024 Legislative Preview" by MN Justice Research Center featuring MN Department of Corrections Commissioner Paul Schnell, MN State Rep, Cedrick Frazier, MN State Senator, Clare Oumou Verbeten, MN State Rep, Danny Nadeau, and moderator Fatima Moore.
  • Attended an live online conversation with Ibram X. Kendi, author of "How to Be An Anti-racist."
  • Completed "Trauma of Racism: Expert Strategies to Help Clients Heal Course" by NICABM.
  • Completed Parts I, II, III "The Intersection of Transracial Adoption & Racial (in)Justice" with Angela Tucker.

Clinical Focus

  • Multiculturalism & Diversity
  • Racial & Adoption Identity
  • LGBTQA+ / Gender & Sexual Identity
  • Depression & Mood Disorders
  • Anxiety & Panic Disorders
  • Identity and Self-Esteem
  • Relationship & Intrapersonal Issues
  • Life Transitions and Stress
  • Sexual Abuse & Trauma
  • Grief & Loss


  • Elected to the MN Behavioral Health Planning Council with the MN Department of Health & Human Services serving as the "Representative of Culturally Specific Mental Health Providers, 06/2023 through 06/2024.
  • MSSA Conference speaker and state trainer on "Racial and Adoption Identity" and "Understanding Race & Adoption in the Classroom."
  • Youth Advocate and Volunteer, Minneapolis American Indian Center, 2012.
  • Guest Speaker at Lutheran Social Services and Children's Home Society, 2009-2015.
  • Volunteer at Project Homeless Connect, 2009.
  • Intramural volleyball league, singing, musical theater, and writing.


  • Board of Social Work License, #25564


References available upon request.


Sr. Clinical Trainer

Canopy Roots
06.2024 - Current


Canopy Mental Health & Consulting
08.2021 - Current

Clinical Manager

Canopy Mental Health & Consulting
08.2021 - 05.2024

Adjunct Faculty

University of Minnesota-Duluth
01.2021 - 05.2021

Supervisor, Day Treatment

Headway Emotional Health
08.2020 - 08.2021

Treatment Coordinator, Day Treatment

Headway Emotional Health
03.2019 - 07.2020


Enliven Psychotherapy
10.2017 - 07.2021

Psychotherapist, Day Treatment

Headway Emotional Health
05.2016 - 03.2019

Program Manager / Training Coordinator

07.2011 - 05.2016

Communication & Adoption Specialist

11.2008 - 06.2011

Motivational Speaker

Minneapolis Business College
09.2008 - 05.2009

Educational Services Supervisor / Seminar Coordinator

National Notary Association
04.2002 - 10.2007
  • Board of Social Work License, #25564

Master of Science - Clinical, Families & Children

University of Minnesota, School of Social Work

Bachelor of Arts - Communication Studies, Health Science

Luther College
Anne C. Johnson