I was not only a retail clerk at the Mill but had many other jobs there as well. These jobs included stocking items, counting inventory, making displays, helping unload plant orders, fulfill online orders. I also engaged in conversations with customers, for example, if someone was buying a bag of dog food I would ask them what kind of dog they had and the conversation would blossom from there. I also would sometimes help the billing department send out bills.
I am an accomplished stock shower and 4Her. I show beef cattle, boer goats and market lambs. I have been fortunate enough to show on the national level with goats, I was even named reserve grand champion showman out of 49 exhibitors at the national show. I have been in 4H for 10 years now and have met many goals that I've set for myself. Those goals include grand champion steer, goat and lamb. I am also fortunate enough to have the highest selling lamb at the Harford County Livestock Auction, $40/LB.