Engineering leader with a passion for developing products, leading engineers and improving existing products using a six sigma approach. Looking for an engineering leadership position with a shorter commute.
Lead a 22 person global engineering team. The team handles development and present product engineering. Lead a team that met with large OEM's, such as Whirlpool, GE, Lennox, BSH and others. Navigated large supply chain disruptions on critical gas valve components.
Owner of a Bed & Breakfast in Lakeview. 9 Room 7 Bath Guesthouse. We are currently expanding to the building next door.
Lead a 12 person engineering team in North America. Handled Development and Present Product Engineering.
Lead projects in our Celaya facility. Main project saved the company 80k a month in sorting costs.
Originally with Burner Systems International in Chattanooga. Robertshaw aquired BSI and I relocated to Chicago Land. My focus was burner design for the appliances and large commercial boilers.
Assisted professor with the senior design course. Taught students SolidWorks CFD & FEA.
SolidWorks, Windchill & Minitab
Combustion Analysis & Lab Testing
Developing Engineers
Optimizing Engineering Processes
Finding and eliminating variation
Six Sigma Black Belt (Whirlpool)
Six Sigma Black Belt (Whirlpool)
Certified Gas Engineer