I enjoy working through tasks and projects. The original game plan is always my first priority. I collaborate well as part of a team, and I can conduct myself through working alone, also. I focus on completing my job tasks the best way I can to better my team's overall productivity. No matter what tasks have to be made, nor what efforts I have to make to complete them, I try to stay positive and take away the most knowledge that I can from completing them in order to make processes of any job more routine in the future. If I think a change should be made to an procedure(s), I make sure my leader or my team agrees that it will improve the quality of the project, or if the change I prefer improves the efficiency of completing the project without lowering it's quality.
I help with lifting heavy material, demolition and remodeling of 7/11 stores and houses, setting up and taking down construction equipment, and installing new appliances.
I revised golf league and outing schedules on Microsoft Excel, made a night golf flyer, worked with web developers to update the Chicago Heights Park District Golf Courses website, scheduled tee times on paper and through the new golf-now platform, worked as a cart boy, sold pro-shop and concession items, and helped facilitate a pantry food giveaway.
During this internship I monitored clients while escape room programs were being facilitated, and reset them after participants finished. I also devised my own escape room and had my supervisor try test it as my own personal project.
Volunteered in the SOAR basketball program every Wednesday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm as a basketball trainer. I mainly just rebounded shots for the kids we would do open court for the first hour, and I participated playing games with them during the second hour.
I helped with a cardiovascular program that went from 6:30 - 7:30 pm every Monday. I helped the participants with the program by participating with them and helping as we went along with our cardiovascular activities.