Work History

Crystal Robinson

Natural Resource Management
Fort Jones,CA


Collaborative well-spoken Scientist with experience working for state, federal, county, tribal and non-profit natural resource agencies and entities. Adept at directing, managing and supervising environmental programs aimed at the restoration of water quality and salmon habitat. Passionate, motivated and dedicated to salmon recovery in California.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Senior Environmental Scientist, Supervisory

California Department Of Fish And Wildlife
10.2022 - Current
  • Supervise and direct staff in areas of Klamath dam removal, fisheries restoration grant programs, drought response, and juvenile fisheries monitoring for Siskiyou County.
  • Represent the Department in collaboration with local, state, federal, tribal, conservation groups, and landowners.
  • Provide oversight and guidance to collaborative Klamath Basin-wide technical teams that plan, organize, and implement resource solutions in areas of Klamath dam removal, drought planning, environmental monitoring, stream flow investigations, water resource development, and restoration.

North Coast Regional Water Quality Board Member

North Coast Regional Water Quality Board
06.2022 - 10.2022
  • Served as a decision-making board member in regulatory hearings on enforcement actions for violations of Regional Water Board permits and Water Code laws.
  • Provided direction and leadership to Regional Water Quality Control Board staff in the development of policies, enforcement, and implementation plans to protect water quality in the North Coast Region.

Environmental Director

Quartz Valley Indian Reservation
07.2014 - 10.2022
  • Provided direction, planning, supervision, and management for the Tribal Environmental Program.
  • Kept abreast of all federal environmental regulations with respect to air, land, and water and prepared effective verbal and written presentations to Tribal Council, local, state, and federal boards and commissioners.
  • Worked with the State and federal government ensuring that Tribal sovereignty over environmental matters was maintained and that Tribal trust rights were protected.
  • Developed Water Quality Authority for the Tribe under Section 518 of the CWA.

Microbiology Lab Director

Quartz Valley Indian Reservation & Karuk Tribe
07.2007 - 10.2022
  • Founded and directed the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation (2007) and the Karuk Tribe (2010) Microbiology Labs.
  • Ensured all California Environmental Lab Accreditation Program (ELAP) sampling requirements and guidelines were met annually.

Water Resources Program Manager

Karuk Tribe
08.2010 - 06.2014
  • Worked under the supervision of the Karuk Tribe's Director of Natural Resources in the strategic and long-range planning of Karuk Tribal Water Management.
  • Responsibilities included:

Administering water quality programs, writing grant proposals, and work plans to enhance the quality of water to improve the salmonid tribal fishery within the Tribe's Ancestral Territory and the greater Klamath Basin.

Analyzing data and authoring water quality-related progress and final reports to demonstrate progress in attaining Tribal water quality-related goals.

To represent the Tribe as a lead water quality biologist in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and the implementation of the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement.

  • Worked with the state and federal government, ensuring that tribal sovereignty over water quality matters was maintained and that tribal trust rights were protected.

Environmental Director

Quartz Valley Indian Reservation
02.2006 - 08.2010

See job duties above.

Watershed Education Coordinator

Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
10.2003 - 12.2005
  • Developed, coordinated, and implemented an annual watershed education program part-time for participating K-12 schools in Scott Valley.
  • Duties included writing curricula, coordinating project field trips, project research, supervising students, and writing newsletter articles highlighting education projects.

Ensured annual funding needs were met by seeking, developing, applying, reporting, and managing grant funds from federal partners.

Fisheries Biologist

10.2003 - 12.2005

10/01/03 – 12/31/05 Siskiyou Resource Conservation District

  • Served as a crew leader during the Scott River coho spawning ground surveys and outmigrant juvenile tributary trapping projects.

06/12/05 — 12/10/05: USFS, Klamath National Forest Scott Salmon

  • Served as a project lead and supervisor for the fisheries field staff at USFS in Fort Jones, implementing, analyzing, and reporting on the following projects: Long-Term Temperature Monitoring, Habitat Typing, Spring and Fall Chinook Carcass and Spawner Surveys, Coho Habitat Utilization, Spring Chinook, Summer Steelhead Dives, and Thermal Refugia.

Fisheries Technician

Multiple - Seasonal
10.2001 - 01.2005

10/01/01-9/30/02 and 3/17/03-12/31/03: AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project, and

09/01/02-1/30/03: California Conservation Corps, and

10/01/04 - 11/30/04: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and

02/01/04 - 07/10/04 and 01/20/05 - 06/12/05: Siskiyou Resource Conservation District:

  • Chinook and steelhead creel census on the Klamath River; Chinook and coho spawning ground surveys and data entry for all projects.
  • Performed Chinook, coho salmon, and adult steelhead spawning ground surveys on tributaries to the Klamath.
  • Performed rotary screw trapping on Scott and Shasta River. Tagged hatchery fish.
  • Wrote and implemented K-12 watershed and salmon classroom curricula for Siskiyou County Schools.

1/25/03-3/17/03: Contract with the United States Forest Service, Klamath National Forest, Salmon Scott.

  • Co-authored the 2002 Scott River Smolt Outmigration Report.

7/10/04-9/31/04: Northern Cal Resource Center

  • Worked on four fisheries resource projects: Stream Monitoring Administrative Study (SMAS), Thermistor Temperature Monitoring, Habitat Typing, and Thermal Refugia.


Bachelor of Science - Biology

Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
10.1997 - 05.2024


GPS/GIS, Public Speaking, Scientific Presentation,


Senior Environmental Scientist, Supervisory

California Department Of Fish And Wildlife
10.2022 - Current

North Coast Regional Water Quality Board Member

North Coast Regional Water Quality Board
06.2022 - 10.2022

Environmental Director

Quartz Valley Indian Reservation
07.2014 - 10.2022

Water Resources Program Manager

Karuk Tribe
08.2010 - 06.2014

Microbiology Lab Director

Quartz Valley Indian Reservation & Karuk Tribe
07.2007 - 10.2022

Environmental Director

Quartz Valley Indian Reservation
02.2006 - 08.2010

Watershed Education Coordinator

Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
10.2003 - 12.2005

Fisheries Biologist

10.2003 - 12.2005

Fisheries Technician

Multiple - Seasonal
10.2001 - 01.2005

Bachelor of Science - Biology

Pennsylvania State University
10.1997 - 05.2024
Crystal RobinsonNatural Resource Management