Accomplished Physician in Cardiovascular Medicine with 7+ years of experience managing medical business operations and supervising staff while caring for patients in Bradenton Florida. Accuracy in patient assessment, determining diagnoses and building targeted treatment plans. Decisive leader with systematic approach resulting in superior care. Enjoy integrating patient care into local health systems by providing quality and cost conscience care. Spending time on multiple inpatient hospital committees including Pharmacy & Therapeutics, Internal Medicine Committee, Quality Committee, and Credentialing. Lecturing in Manatee / Sarasota counties in for general cardiovascular health and wellness.
1. CRT Responders demonstrate a decrease in Heart Failure event rates and associated costs compared to non-responders at a single center in the US, Raffaele Corbisiero, Pedram Kazemian, David Buck. Rupinder Bharmi, Riddhi Shah, David Muller, ACC 2016
2. Reduction in Emergency Department Telemetry Admission Delays with Utilization of Computerized Patient Order Management (CPOM) Systems, Buck, D.C., Morristown Medical Center Research Day, 2014
3. P.O.L.S.T: Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment - A New Paradigm for New Jersey, Buck, D.C., Morristown Medical Center’s Lecture Series: Grand Rounds, 2014
4. Development of Computerized Patient Order Management (CPOM) System Order Sets in a Community Hospital System. ACC/AHA Guideline Driven - Appropriate Use of Telemetry, Buck, D.C., Morristown Medical Center Research Day, 2013
5. Stress Testing & Cardiac Risk Stratification: For the Community-Based Internist, Buck, D.C., Morristown Medical Center Lecture Series: Inter-Departmental Presentation, 2013
6. Approach to the Neutropenic Patient in The Community-Based Hospital, Buck, D.C., Morristown Medical Center Lecture Series: Inter-Departmental Presentation, 2013
7. Readmission Rate and Poly-Pharmacy in the Congestive Heart Failure Patient, Darcey, J, Dominguez, R, and Buck, D.C., Morristown Medical Center Research Day: Poster Presentation, 2012