My entire career has been devoted to improving the quality of care and access to care for American Indian and Alaska Natives.
I would like to highlight some of my experience that makes me an ideal candidate for this position:
But I believe that my strongest asset is that I know how to lead people. I possess the skill set to change the culture of an organization and lead them towards excellence.
The Puyallup Tribal Health Authority is a AAAHC Accredited health center opoerated by the Puyallup Tribe of Indian under Title I of P.L. 93-638. The clinic provides a wide range of services including Primary Care, Behavioral Health, Purchase Referred Care, etc.
Served as the Health Director for the Southern Ute Indian Tribes health center which was operated under Title I of P.L. 93-638. The health center provided a wide variety of services including Primary Care, Behavioral Health, Community Health, Pharmacy and Dental.
The CEO had left Hopi Health Care Center in December and I was asked to step in an fill the role until the position was filled. I also continued to serve as the Chief of Operations until I left in June of 2022 (approximately 6 months).
Served as the Chief Operating Officer for the Hopi Health Care Center (HHCC). HHCC is a Critical Access Hospital providing Primary Care, Inpatient services and an Emergency Room.
Served as the CEO for the Acoma-Canoncito-Laguna Indian Hospital (ACL). ACL provided Primary Care, Inpatient and ER services. The Canoncito Band of Navajo broke away from ACL and established their own clinic.
Served as the Chief Operating Officer for the Hopi Health Care Center (HHCC). HHCC is a Critical Access Hospital which provides Primary Care, Inpatient Services an ER Services.
Served as the Pediatric Clinic Manager for the Pediatric Clinic at Phoenix Indian Medical Center. This was a newly created position to support the Primary Care Medical Home Model.
Was a partner in Native Health Group which provided employee benefits solutions to Tribes and Tribal Organizations.
American Indian Health Management & Policy was a 100% American Indian owned health care consulting company. Our focus was working with Tribes and Tribal Organizations to improve how care was provided to their community.
Served as the Medical Services Director for Native American Community Health Center, Inc which is a Federally Qualified Urban Indian Health Center serving the urban Native American population in Phoenix, AZ.
Tribal Health Services was a Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Company. Our focus was working with Tribes to address the lack of transportation services for Tribal members to get to their medical appointments.
Tonemah Construction was a majority Indian owned Project Management Consulting company.
Shirtwearer was an architectural design firm whose focus was working with tribes and tribal organizations to address their architectural design needs.