SENIOR LEAD, ELITE PREMIUM AUDITOR eight years of experience working in the field as a premium auditor. Currently the lead senior auditor for the state of California. Provide field training for new employees. Handling large premium audit accounts, including construction, manufacturing, and auto dealerships. Multi state travel as needed to assist in cleaning up old inventory or to handle large accounts that have multi state exposure, multiple class codes and large amounts of payroll. Assisting field auditors in trouble shooting, handling right ups that are over due, and assisting with corrections. Track current WCIRB trends and changes. Contacting client's and scheduling appointments as well as assisting in training new auditors how to schedule their current inventory. Experienced Auditor focused on improving business compliance, workflow and processes through detailed audits and optimization recommendations. Successful track record of fully evaluating information, structures and procedures and initiating corrective actions. Advanced skills in Nexus and Visual Software,
Certificate of completion for CA Comp Essentials through the CA WCIRB.
Certificate of completion for CA Comp Essentials through the CA WCIRB.