Work History

Dawn Marie Kangas



Talented individual adept at handling high caseloads without sacrificing quality of care. Operates in high-pressure environments while recommending best resources and courses of action to benefit patient needs and return each to optimal quality of life. Compassionate & experienced in a variety of environments. Hardworking and dedicated to achieving desired case outcomes. Offers excellent problem-solving, conflict resolution and communication abilities.


years of professional experience

Work History

Case Manager

Pathways Adult Crisis Center
09.2023 - Current
  • Developed and implemented comprehensive case management plans to address client needs and goals.
  • Coordinated services with other agencies, community-based organizations, and healthcare professionals to provide useful benefits to clients.
  • Assisted clients in navigating housing, legal services and public benefits to gain access to valuable resources.
  • Monitored clients' progress and tracked client services to provide crisis interventions.

Psych Technician

Intermountain Hospital
09.2022 - Current
  • Treated clients and families with respect and dignity.
  • Delivered compassionate patient care, focusing on safety, comfort and emotional support.
  • Supported patient confidentiality in accordance with HIPAA regulations.
  • Maintained patient records, documenting changes in patient condition.
  • Monitored patient behavior and immediately reported changes to supervising physician.
  • Took and monitored vital signs, administered medications, and managed patient behavior.
  • Counseled and mentored clients on substance use and life choices.
  • Coordinated with medical and paramedical professionals to provide appropriate input and effectively formulate and implement treatment plans for patients.


DMarie's Love Cakes
07.2021 - 08.2022
  • Managed day-to-day business operations.
  • Trained and motivated employees to perform daily business functions.
  • Consulted with customers to assess needs and propose optimal solutions.
  • Evaluated suppliers to maintain cost controls and improve operations.
  • Established foundational processes for business operations.
  • Enhanced operational efficiency and productivity by managing budgets, accounts, and costs.
  • Established, optimized and enforced business policies to maintain consistency across industry operations.
  • Prepared bank deposits and handled business sales, returns and transaction reports.

Administrative Assistant

Oregon Department of Corrections
12.2019 - 04.2022
  • My duties for the past 3 years for the Oregon Department of Corrections was to maintain case plans/files for 900 - 1000 inmates for the Oregon Information and Sentencing Computation
  • (OISC) The primary purpose of the position is to manage and coordinate the process of all OISC Institution Records offices including security, maintenance, and court processes and data management as well as provide administrative support for the OISC Central Unit in an office with offsite management
  • The position receives and reviews documents pertaining to their caseload and must evaluate, determine application, and forward to the appropriate person
  • Must be able to interpret and explain laws, rules, policies and procedures of confidential inmate records and transport processes to attorneys, Department of Justice, Social Security Administration, DOC employees, Community Corrections, and other law enforcement agencies
  • Respond to subpoenas, court orders and public records/information requests
  • Independent judgement is required to analyze and apply precedents and information responses to attorneys, inmate families, other state and federal agencies and general public.

Correctional Officer

Oregon Department of Corrections
06.2013 - 12.2019
  • My duties for the past 6 years at the Oregon Department of Corrections is to manage 80 to 107 inmate's case-plan in a secure facility and a housing unit
  • Identify inmates who pose a serious threat to the safety and security of the institution as well as unit
  • Understand and have knowledge of inmate behaviors as well as staff or inmate assault history
  • Responding to inmate requests, interviewing, and counseling inmates within the guidelines of the Oregon Department of Corrections rules, policies, and procedures, as well as state and federal regulations
  • These OAR's like that of CCM and CORE assist me to work in a more collaborative team atmosphere in order to address the objectives of an individual's case-plan upon correctional intake
  • It is also my objective to track and follow up with counselors, teacher's security and BHS in order to meet the inmate's correctional objective in the areas of work, education, programming, family, drug and alcohol, financial and reentry into the community
  • Monitor case plans as created by current counselor and assist them with information gathering or interviewing
  • Use motivational interviewing skills in order to listen to the inmate and help other staff find solutions
  • In addition, it is also my responsibility as an officer to promptly respond to inmate's personal problems and emergencies by working closely with other institution staff to meet the desired goal regarding safety
  • I am knowledgeable of the Oregon Department of Corrections rules, regulations, and policies, as well and DOC work and education programming
  • Practice cognitive based progressive discipline when dealing with inmate's behavior problems
  • For example through intervention, communication, writing conduct orders, and other disciplinary reports when needed
  • I follow the case plan if an inmate has been designated one
  • Document inmate behavior through accurate record keeping in unit logs and DOC400
  • Keep thorough records and files of inmates who transfer onto the unit from segregation, another facility, or within the unit
  • Professionally respond and within specified timelines to inmate grievances and to other requests by inmates
  • As an officer I research, investigate, develop, write, and document a variety of inmate reports in order to provide a clear summary of the inmate's behavior and conduct
  • Reports include, but not limited to daily log, conduct orders, misconduct reports, stirr reports, memos, etc
  • Attend important meetings as required by administration in order to maintain a good working relationship as well as to provide important operational information and concerns in-regards to changes in inmate's behavior and unit operations through collaboration, multidisciplinary teams, log notes, and monitoring
  • Provide investigatory information to a variety of sta
  • Completes daily safety inspections of work area in order to maintain and safe and secure working environment as well as a clean and organized facility
  • Ensuring that the work area meets safety standards by correcting and reporting safety issues and concerns
  • Maintain a professional, clean, and required to complete thorough and accurate searches of inmates, inmate's property, and the facility
  • Be available to address inmate's inquiries, questions and concerns, as well as clearly and quickly think in high stress situation
  • Oversea inmate orderlies at work assignments as well as assisting with the unit work schedules
  • I have also created questions & conducted inmate interviews on the unit for orderly positions before recommending they be hired for positions
  • Working with IWP in the recommendations of hiring inmates for facility jobs as well as their dismissal for utilizing their job for misconduct
  • Conducting searches of inmates & work areas
  • Being available for emergency callback situations at any time
  • Utilize outlook calendar to keep accurate schedule as a flex officer as well as trades I may have conducted to ensure my dependability
  • I have also been a Field Training Officer for the past year where you also have to maintain accurate logs of trainees as well as write monthly evaluations of their performance Being actively engaged in the success of our new officers by instructing at Basic Corrections Course so that we can meet the goals of the department to provide the best training we can and to help retain the best and brightest employees we can.

Correctional Officer

Idaho Department of Corrections
09.2008 - 12.2008
  • My duties for 4 months at the Idaho Department of Corrections were to supervise 100 to 200 inmates in a secure facility and housing unit
  • Identify inmates who pose a serious threat to the safety and security of the institution as well as unit
  • Understand and have knowledge of inmate's prior behaviors as well as staff and inmate assault history
  • Provide counsel, advice and guidance to inmates within the guidelines of the Idaho Department of Corrections rules, policies, and procedures, as well as state and federal regulations
  • It is also the duty of an officer to promptly respond to inmate's personal problems and emergencies by working closely with other institution staff to meet the desired goal
  • Be knowledgeable of the Idaho Department of Corrections rules, regulations, and policies, as well and DOC work and education programming
  • Practice cognitive based progressive discipline when dealing with inmates behavior problems
  • For example through intervention, communication, writing conduct orders, and other disciplinary reports when needed
  • Document inmate behavior through accurate record keeping in unit logs as well as DOC400
  • Keep thorough records and files of inmates who transfer onto the unit from segregation, another facility, or within the unit
  • Professionally respond and within specified timelines to inmate grievances and to other requests by inmates
  • An officer will research, investigate, develop, write, and document a variety of inmate reports in order to provide a clear summary of the inmate's behavior and conduct
  • Reports include, but not limited to daily log, conduct orders, misconduct reports, stir reports, memos, etc
  • Attend important meetings as required by administration in order to maintain a good working relationship as well as to provide important operational information and concerns in-regards to changes in inmate's behavior and unit operations
  • Completes daily safety inspections of work area in order to maintain and safe and secure working environment as well as a clean and organized facility
  • Ensuring that the work area meets safety standards by correcting and reporting safety issues and concerns
  • Maintain a professional, clean, and organized work area at all times
  • Is responsible for proper key control in order to prevent escape
  • Is also required to complete thorough and accurate searches of inmates, inmate's property, and the facility
  • Be available to address inmate's questions and concerns, as well as clearly and quickly think in high stress situations.


Angeline Senior Living
11.2004 - 02.2006
  • During the 14 months at Angeline Senior Living supervising 15 to 20 clients my duties were to provide one on one case management care to individuals whom lived in a group home/facility
  • Case management included planning daily care, schedules, monitoring and documentation of behavior, social needs, medical care and prescription distribution and tracking
  • Document behavioral and medical changes on a individual basis
  • Respond to phone calls
  • Participated in face to face interviews with family members in-regards to the health and status of each individual
  • Responsible for the charge and control of each individual within the facility, to prevent escape or self-injury
  • Ensure that areas met safety standards by correcting or reporting any safety concerns
  • Develop, write, and document a variety of reports to maintain accurate records of each individual's health status
  • Administer and monitor medications on a case-by-case basis
  • Notify family member and appropriate individuals of emergency situations in-regards to their family members, for example death, injury, or illness
  • Prepare and monitor individual and group activities within the facility
  • Attend meetings necessary for the safety and security of the individuals within the facility as well as the facility
  • Identify individuals who pose a serious threat to themselves and others in the facility in order to maintain a safe and secure facility
  • Make change or recommendations for client care plans.

Residential Care Assistant

New Day Enterprises
11.2002 - 11.2004
  • My initial duties for the 24 months that I was employed at New Day Enterprises was to provide home care to approximately 4 to 8 mentally disabled adults living in a group facility
  • Specific duties were to provide case management and assist clients on a case-by-case basis with their daily lives
  • For example, guide and counsel individuals in the areas of work, hygiene, wellness, compliance with program and medication regimen in order to meet their daily needs
  • Assist in the areas of meal preparation, grocery shopping, financial assistance, distribute medication, provide individual and group activities, and proper hygiene and cleanliness
  • Work closely with those who were at higher risk to behavioral outbursts and safety concerns in order to provide direction to each individual to ensure his or her own success in the program as well as the safety of others in the facility
  • Others duties which were at the work program facility was to provide work programs and jobs to approximately 20 to 30 individuals on a case by case basis within the facility and in the community
  • Each work assignment or task was specifically designed for each individual in order for him or her to become successful as well as receptive to the work/rehabilitation program
  • It was my duty to provide work programs that met the needs of each individual's capabilities and needs within the program
  • It was our duty to facilitate individual and group work programs to each and every individual
  • Take individuals out into the community in order to complete the jobs that we were able to create and provide for them through local businesses
  • Determine each individual's goals and needs, special case factors, and risk factors in order to maintain a safe and secure work environment
  • Document and maintain accurate records of individual behaviors or stressors in order to provide the best care to each individual and meet the goals of their programming
  • Create and assist in programs such as sewing red shorts for prisoners in Oregon, building caskets for low-income families, or local contracts with facilities shredding important documents
  • Each of these programs was a part of our daily duties as well as creating new programs on an individual basis.


Master of Arts, Psychology: Specializing Criminology and Justice Studies -

University of the Rockies
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice -

Colorado Technical University
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Non-Degree Seeking student taking classes in Masters in Mental Health Counseling program -

Northwest Nazarene University
Nampa, Idaho

Masters in Mental Health Counseling Program -

Capella University


  • Emotional Awareness
  • Direct Patient Care
  • Social Work
  • Patient Assessments
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Case Notes
  • Resource Identification
  • Community Resources
  • Multitasking and Organization
  • Conflict Resolution


Case Manager

Pathways Adult Crisis Center
09.2023 - Current

Psych Technician

Intermountain Hospital
09.2022 - Current


DMarie's Love Cakes
07.2021 - 08.2022

Administrative Assistant

Oregon Department of Corrections
12.2019 - 04.2022

Correctional Officer

Oregon Department of Corrections
06.2013 - 12.2019

Correctional Officer

Idaho Department of Corrections
09.2008 - 12.2008


Angeline Senior Living
11.2004 - 02.2006

Residential Care Assistant

New Day Enterprises
11.2002 - 11.2004

Master of Arts, Psychology: Specializing Criminology and Justice Studies -

University of the Rockies

Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice -

Colorado Technical University

Non-Degree Seeking student taking classes in Masters in Mental Health Counseling program -

Northwest Nazarene University

Masters in Mental Health Counseling Program -

Capella University
Dawn Marie Kangas