I am a Physician/Scientist and a Medical Educator with experience working in medical schools, industry, and federal agencies over the past 30 years. I am goal oriented and dedicated to what I am doing and work as a collegial team member strengthening interpersonal relationships while preserving a conducive work environment. I am very organized and dependable and successful at managing multiple priorities with a positive attitude.
1. Non-FRET Botulinum Assay
Patent number: 9274121
Filed: May 31, 2012
Date of Patent: March 1, 2016
Inventors: Dhammika Atapattu, Ward C. Tucker
Publication number: 20160229898
Type: Application
Filed: February 8, 2016
Publication date: August 11, 2016
Inventors: Dhammika ATAPATTU, Ward C. TUCKER
Publication number: 20180072780
Type: Application
Filed: November 17, 2017
Publication date: March 15, 2018
Inventors: Dhammika ATAPATTU, Ward C. TUCKER
4. Compositions and methods for stability testing of botulinum toxin II
Patent number: 11325954
Type: Grant
Filed: November 17, 2017
Date of Patent: May 10, 2022
Assignee: BioMadison, Inc.
Inventors: Dhammika Atapattu, Ward C. Tucker
5. Compositions and Methods for Cell-Based Assays
Publication number: 20220260555
Type: Application
Filed: April 13, 2022
Publication date: August 18, 2022
Inventors: Dhammika ATAPATTU, Ward C. TUCKER
6. Product Licensure: WARF: P140060US01, Bovine Macrophage Cell line - University of Wisconsin – Madison
Inventors: Charles J Czuprynski, Dhammika Atapattu, Josely Figueiredo
Research skills:
Industrial experience with assay development (General)
Bio-assay development.
Identification and performing tests for assay validation based on USFDA guidelines.
Quantitative testing of the active moiety in samples of drug substance, drug products, or other selected component(s) in the drug product.
Use of statistical tools for determination of Accuracy, Precision, Repeatability, Intermediate Precision, Specificity, Detection Limit, Quantification Limit, Linearity, and Range.
Specific skills
Molecular/Cell biology
Diagnostics Microbiology
In-vivo techniques
Cell engineering
Microscopy techniques
Assay development
Clinical and laboratory medicine skills
I have been trained in Internal Medicine and General Surgery and have developed competence in the diagnosis and treatment of many critical medical conditions, including a wide variety of cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders, renal diseases, autoimmune and connective tissue disorders, and infectious diseases and perform simple to more advanced surgical procedures.
Infectious disease and diagnostic microbiology
Diagnosis and treatment of bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic diseases
Develop patient management protocols
Organize clinical group discussions
Technical management of a clinical microbiology laboratory
Data management, reporting, and education
Teaching and supervising medical and graduate students
1. Dasanayake R, Balendran T, Atapattu D, Iddawela D. A study on canine dirofilariasis in selected areas of Sri Lanka. BMC Res Notes. 2022 Apr 14;15(1):137
2. Nausheen F, Agarwal MM, Estrada JJ, Atapattu D. A survey of retaining faculty at a new medical school: opportunities, challenges, and solutions. BMC Med Educ. 2018 Sep 25;18(1): 223
3. Al-Eyd G, Achike F, Agarwal M, Atamna H, Atapattu D, Castro L, Estrada J, Ettarh R, Hassan S, Lakhan SE, Nausheen F, Seki T, Stegeman M, Suskind R, Velji A, Yakub M, Tenore A. Curriculum mapping as a tool to facilitate curriculum development: a new School of Medicine experience. BMC Med Educ. 2018 Aug 6;18(1)
4. Nausheen F, Bashir SS, Atapattu D. Pregnancy associated arbovirus infections. Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 2018, doi:10.15761/CMID.1000138
5. Iddawela D, Vithana SMP, Atapattu D, Wijekoon L. Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka. BMC Infect Dis. 2018 Mar 6;18(1):108
6. Iddawela D, Ehambaram K, Atapattu D, Pethiyagoda K, Bandara L. Frequency of Toxocariasis among Patients Clinically Suspected to Have Visceral Toxocariasis: A Retrospective Descriptive Study in Sri Lanka. J Parasitol Res. 2017;2017:4368659
7. Alhaji U N’jai, Atapattu D, Rivara J, Czuprynski CJ, Gene profiling of bovine bronchiolar epithelial cells infected with bovine herpes virus-1 and Mannheimia haemolytica, Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2013 Sep 15;155(3):182-9
8. Aulik NA, Atapattu DN, Czuprynski CJ, McCaslin DR. Brief heat treatment causes a structural change and enhances cytotoxicity of the Escherichia coli α-hemolysin. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2013 Feb; 35(1):15-27. 2012 Sep 21
9. Atapattu D, Olivares H. A., Piazza T. M., Crawford D. S., Zeytin F. N., Tucker W. C. (2013). Performance and mouse bioassay comparability of the BoCell (TM) A cell-based assay. 2013 Jan.Toxicon 68,105
10. Kisiela DI, Aulik NA, Atapattu DN, Czuprynsky CJ, N-terminal region of Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin serves as a mitochondrial targeting signal in mammalian cells. Cell Microbiol. 2010 Jul; 12 (7):976-87
11. Atapattu D, Aulik NA, McCaslin DR, Czuprynski CJ. Brief heat treatment increases cytotoxicity of Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin in an LFA-1 independent manner. Microb Pathog. 2009 Mar;46(3):159-65
12. Atapattu D, Albrecht R, McClenahan DJ, Czuprynski CJ. Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin targets mitochondrial cyclophilin D of bovine lympholastoid cells,T Infect and Immun. 2008, 2008 Nov;76(11): 5357-65
13. Atapattu D, Albrecht RM, McClenahan DJ, Czuprynski CJ. Dynamin-2-dependent targeting of Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin to mitochondrial cyclophilin D in bovine lymphoblastoid cells. Infect Immun. 2008 Nov;76(11):5357-65
14. McClenahan D, Hellenbrand K, Atapattu D, Aulik N, Carlton D, Kapur A, Czuprynski C. Effects of lipopolysaccharide and Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin on bovine lung microvascular endothelial cells and alveolar epithelial cells. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2008 Feb;15(2):338-47
15. Atapattu D, Czuprynski CJ. Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin binds to lipid rafts in bovine lymphoblastoid cells and is internalized in a dynamin-2 and clathrin dependent manner Infect Immun. 2007 Oct;75(10): 4719-27
16. Arseculeratne SN, Atapattu D, Kumarasiri R, Perera D, Ekanayake D, Rajapakse J. The use of MTT [3-(4, 5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl) -2, 5-diphenyl -2H- tetrazolium bromide]-reduction as an indicator of the effects of strain-specific, polyclonal rabbit antisera on Candida albicans and C. krusei. Ind. Med Microbiol. 2007 Jul;25(3):267-71
17. Arseculeratne SN, Atapattu D, Balasooriya P, Fernando R. The effects of biocides (antiseptics and disinfectants) on the endospores of Rhinosporidium seeberi.
Ind J Med Microbiol. 2006 Apr; 24(2):85-91
18. Sylte MJ, Kuckleburg CJ, Atapattu D, Leite FP, McClenahan D, Inzana TJ, Czuprynski CJ. Signaling through interleukin-1 type 1 receptor diminishes Haemophilus somnus lipooligosaccharide-mediated apoptosis of endothelial cells.. Microb Pathog. 2005 Oct;39 (4):121-30
19. Atapattu D, Czuprynski CJ. Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin induces apoptosis of bovine lymphoblastoid cells (BL-3) via a caspase-9-dependent mitochondrial pathway. Infect Immun. 2005 Sep; 73(9):5504-13
20. Arseculeratne SN, Atapattu DN, Wickramaratne K. Nature and significance of the electron-dense bodies of the endospores of Rhinosporidium seeberi: their reactions with MTT (3-[4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl]-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) and TMRE (tetramethyl-rhodamine ethyl ester). Med Mycol. 2005 May; 43(3):261-73
21. Arseculeratne SN, Atapattu D, Eriyagama NB. Human anti-rhinosporidial antibody does not cause metabolic inactivation or morphological damage in endospores of Rhinosporidium seeberi, in vitro. Ind J Med Microbiol. 2005 Jan; 23(1):14-9
22. Arseculeratne SN, Atapattu DN. The assessment of the viability of the endospores of Rhinosporidium seeberi with MTT (3-[4, 5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl]-2, 5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide). Mycol Res. 2004 Dec; 108(Pt 12):1423-30
23. Arseculeratne SN, Kumarasiri PV, Rajapakse RP, Perera NA, Arseculeratne G, Atapattu DN. Anti-rhinosporidial antibody levels in patients with rhinosporidiosis and in asymptomatic persons in Sri Lanka. Mycopathologia. 2004 Aug;158(2):157-64
24. Leite F, Kuckleburg C, Atapattu D, Schultz R, Czuprynski CJ. BHV-1 infection and inflammatory cytokines amplify the interaction of Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin with bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2004 Jun;99(3-4)
25. Leite F, Gyles S, Atapattu D, Maheswaran SK, Czuprynski CJ. Prior exposure to Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin or LPS enhances beta(2)-integrin expression by bovine neutrophils and augments LKT cytotoxicity. Microb Pathog. 2003 Jun; 34(6): 267-75
26. Arseculeratne SN, Panabokke RG, Atapattu D. Lymphadenitis, trans-epidermal elimination and unusual histopathology in human rhinosporidiosis. Mycopathologia. 2002;153(2): 57-69
27. Leite F, O'Brien S, Sylte MJ, Page T, Atapattu D, Czuprynski CJ. Inflammatory cytokines enhance the interaction of Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin with bovine peripheral blood neutrophils in vitro. Infect Immun. 2002 Aug;70(8):4336-43
28. de Silva NR, Huegel H, Atapattu D, Arseculeratne SN, Kumarasiri R, Gunawardena S, Balasooriya P, Fernando R. Cell-mediated immune responses (CMIR) in human rhinosporidiosis. Mycopathologia. 2001;152(2):69-79
29. Atapattu DN, Jayawickrama DP, Thevanesam V. An unusual bacterium causing a brain abscess. Emerg Infect Dis. 2001 Jan-Feb; 7(1):159-60
30. Jayasekera S, Arseculeratne SN, Atapattu D, Kumarasiri R, Tilakaratne WM. Cell-mediated immune responses (CMIR) to Rhinosporidium seeberi in mice. Mycopathologia. 2001;152(2):69-79
31. Arseculeratne SN, Hussein FN, Atapattu DN, Pathmanathan R. Failure to infect congenitally immunodeficient SCID and NUDE mice with Rhinosporidium seeberi. Med Mycol. 2000 Oct;38(5):393-5
32. Atapattu D, Arseculeratne SN, Rajapakse RP, Perera NA, Eriyagama NB. Purification of the endospores and sporangia of Rhinosporidium seeberi on Percoll columns. Mycopathologia. 1999; 145(3):113-9
1. Arseculeratne SN, Atapattu D. Human Rhinosporidiosis. Fungi in human and animal health: R.K.S. Kushwaha [editor]. Scientific Publishers, 2004.
2. Arseculeratne SN, Atapattu D [editors]. Rhinosporidiosis in Humans and Animals,
And Rhinosporidium seeberi. NSF Academic Publishers, 2011/2012 - 1st Edition.
Long Service Editors Award, PLOS Journals 2023
Co-operate Award, American Society for Microbiology, USA. 2006
Vilas Award (University of Wisconsin-Madison). 2005
American Society for Microbiology Fellowship. 2005
‘Outstanding Graduate Student in Immunology’ award, CRWAD, Chicago. 2004
Presidential Awards in Biomedical Research, Sri Lanka. 2000, 2001, 2008, 2009, 2010
‘Outstanding Young Investigator Award, Kandy Society of Medicine, Sri Lanka. 1999
Invited Presentations:
ASM conference on Pasteurellaceae, Hawaii 2005
United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, 2009
Aberdeen proving grounds, Maryland, USA
Current memberships:
American Society for Microbiology
American Association for Advancement of Science
Sri Lanka Medical Association
Sri Lanka Medical Council
Kandy Society of Medicine
Asia-Pacific Allergy and Immunology Society
Mensa International, London
University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), Rwanda: Currently, I serve as an adjunct faculty to the University of Global Health Equity, Kigali, Rwanda. I teach in their infectious diseases module online and on-site (December 2022). Also, I am currently involved in a joint collaborative study: Virological diversity of SARS Cov-2 and Covid 19 disease manifestation in Rwanda”. This study is funded by the Global Health program of CUSM. We are submitting a grant proposal for extramural funding to extend this project to other infectious diseases endemic in Rwanda.
University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone: I have initiated collaborative efforts with Alhaji N’jai, PhD from the University of Sierra Leone, for joint research and training in communicable and non-communicable diseases. We have identified the common areas of research interests and currently working toward strengthening our collaborative efforts.