Certified Phlebotomist well versed in venipuncture, capillary puncture, and special collection procedures. Detail-oriented and committed to maintaining highest quality control and patient care standards. Adept in variety of software applications for EMR maintenance.
PHLEBOTOMY, 09/2022, 01/2023, ESSEX COUNTY COLLEGE | Urban League of Essex County, Newark, NJ, An intense Phlebotomy Program that provides students with the basic knowledge and skills needed to safely draw blood, label, and maintain specimens. This program consists of 80 hours (50 hours of classroom instruction and 30 hours of clinical/lab experience)., Introduction to Phlebotomy, Medical Terminology, Venipuncture equipment/Continued Special Collection, Specimen handling, transfer, and processing, Quality Phlebotomy, Legal issues in Phlebotomy, Metric system measurements, Final Exam