As a up and coming professional in my career field, outside of my degree i have attempted to surround myself with continuous knowledge and experience on a variety of fields. I have a home lab of Kali Linux that i getting myself familiar with. I am going through a Harvard course that will give me more comfortability with Python. I am focusing my time outside of school to familiarize myself with suggested systems to have a understanding of like AES, cloud, and VirtualBox systems in general. I have had the opportunity to surround myself with great people who have given me an idea on what to expect in this career and how things go within this field of work. In this field, you never know enough and that is what brings me so close to this profession. Anyone can chase perfection and we all know we will never receive it and knowing that I still plan on being one of the ones that chase.
This 5K event will happen regardless of the weather conditions, reminding us that millions worldwide face the challenge of traveling in various weather conditions to obtain water. The distance covered during this 5K symbolizes the daily journey many men, women, and children undertake to gather water for their families. In Africa, on average, women walk three to four miles each day to fetch water from a lake or another water source. These individuals then carry heavy jugs weighing at least 40 pounds for miles back to their homes. We strongly believe that every individual should have equal access to clean water, food, and education.
We provided the site a new entrance onto the property. In doing that we inserted a new gardening scheme and redid the original landscaping of the entire are of the entrance. By doing this we hoped that we would give any incoming children that would be brought to the home a sense of comfort. We understood no one intends to go to a covenant house, but we wanted anyone who stepped foot on property to know if it is their new home, they are welcomed in open arms.
Set up the venue in order to greet incoming guest and direct them to the areas involved with the experience. Volunteers were thrown into groups in order to oversight disabled children in need of assistance to enjoy and experience the entire museum.