The Gray family was one of the first settlers of mississippi. My great great grandfather surveyed out the mississippi territory. He was also the first sheriff of Wayne county. My great grandfather was the first doctor in Wayne county. My grandfather owned Hotels, Rent Houses, Apartments and a furniture store. My father owned a furniture store, apartments, rent houses, and a Laundromat.
I have been around business since birth. I started working when I was 12 years old. I learned how to do business from my grandfather and father. In 2015 I was layed off from my job as a drill and fluid engineer. I had to find a new line of work. I opened a vape shop in 2015. Currently in 2022 I own 6 vapes shops and 3 subdivisions. I made my first million 3 years after and currently net worth 12 million in 7 years.
Business Development
undefinedDrilling Fluid Engineer
I'veplayed guitar since i was 12. I also enjoy boating.
Drilling Fluid Engineer