Highly-motivated Probation Officer with 10+ years experience in the criminal justice system, including case management, field supervision and weapons training. Seasoned professional with excellent communication, organization and interpersonal skills.
As a Pretrial Services Officer 1 I was responsible for implementing release and case management plans and investigations for those charged with criminal offenses. Supervised defendant’s compliance with court-ordered programs and conditions of release.
Conducted intake interviews with newly referred defendants. Documented each defendant’s needs for community support services.
Contacted references to verify information provided by defendants regarding employment, home, work, and school status.
Provided recommendations for appropriate treatment support and referrals.
Participated in scheduled case staffing.
Monitored defendant’s compliance with court-ordered conditions of release and community provider program requirements.
Documented, reported and notified the court of a defendant’s non-compliance or program violations and recommend appropriate action.
Tracked Pretrial Services referrals at felony arraignments. Documented and maintained case files that illustrate interactions with defendants, treatment providers, community-based case managers, attorneys, employers and family members.
Attended and participated in meetings with court staff and other treatment providers.
Monitored defendant’s compliance utilizing electronic monitoring technology.
Maintained alcohol and drug screening equipment and supplies.
Conduct screening interviews of defendants to determine if they qualify for the Recovery Court DWI program.
Conduct extensive pre-sentencing interviews to gather criminal background information, alcohol/drug use history, mental health history, family history and treatment history of the defendant.
Write a pre-sentence report and present to the sentencing Judge on the day of sentencing with recommendations.
Meet with defendants weekly to make sure they were complying with probation conditions.
Maintain records of community service hours completed, treatment attendance, DWI school and MADD classes required.
Conducted drug testing on all defendants.
Completed Violation of Probation reports, testified in Court under oath and made recommendations on sanctions for violations.
A member of the multi-disciplinary Recovery Court DWI program team to assist in writing policy and procedures for the Recovery Court Program. Work with other members of the multi-disciplinary team to develop an appropriate treatment support plan.
Participate in weekly staffing of participants to advise the Judge, team how the participant is doing in the program, and attend weekly Recovery Court hearings.
Supervised co-track, high-risk high needs in the BHDWI Program.
Keep records of required community service hours, treatment reports, and requirements of the program.
Notify the Court of participant’s non-compliance of program requirements and recommend appropriate sanction to be given.
Moved to the Behavioral Health DWI program in January 2023, as a PO II.
Continued working with High Risk/High Needs co-track clients.
Administered drug/alcohol test to participants/defendants and maintaining the correct chain of custody.
Temporarily overseeing the Detour Collaborative Program, working closely with First Nations and National Center of State Courts.
NCIC certified.
As a Court Compliance Officer, I coordinate, prioritize and monitor a caseload between 120 to 150 defendants convicted of misdemeanor offenses.
Supervised pre-prosecution defendants, complete pre-sentencing reports by background investigation and file the pre-sentencing report with the Court when completed. Testify in Court about the findings in the pre-sentencing report and the recommendations that have been made.
Supervised defendants that have been found guilty of a misdemeanor and placed on probation by the Court. Complete background investigation on each defendant to determine the level of supervision, compliance with previous treatment and court ordered terms and conditions.
Complete an initial intake with the defendant, which includes a urinalysis drug screening, referral to complete a Clinical Assessment with our Treatment team, and go over all the terms and conditions of the defendant’s probation that the court ordered. Refer defendant for Community Service hours, any classes ordered by the Judgment and Sentence and treatment.
I coordinate and prioritize scheduling of defendant’s monthly probation appointments, which include; urinalysis and breathalyzer testing, monthly reports and checking in.
Complete Violation of Probation reports and file with the appropriate Court. Testify at status and Violation of Probation hearings under oath.
Communicate with the Assistant District Attorneys on cases that are currently in Violation of Probation status or Pre-sentencing reports.
Keep defendant files in order including notes up to date for example; if a defendant calls with a question, notes are updated in our Tyler caseload system immediately. I make sure my files are in order and notes updated so if another officer has to testify in Court for me they know exactly what is going on with the defendant’s probation.
File monthly reports with the appropriate Court showing the defendants status with conditions of probation and treatment attendance.
Meet with other officer’s defendants when they are out of the office.
As a Court Compliance Officer, I have to solve problems using sound reasoning and judgment to develop solutions based on our department’s rules and regulations and following court orders while treating the defendant fairly as the law requires.
As Accreditation Manager, I write policies and procedures to assure that all 121 accreditation standards are met and that our department complies with all standards. Every three years our department goes through a weeklong re-accreditation process. I also go to other County DWI/Misdemeanor Compliance Programs to evaluate and accredit those programs.
Assisted on Grant writing and presenting to AOC for approval.
Attended New Mexico Counties yearly conference.