Church Ministry/Chaplaincy
I have a compassionate heart and good communication skills, plus contacts throughout the region of southeastern Pennsylvania. I was baptized at age fourteen, and have been a devout follower of Jesus Christ ever since. Experienced and dependable general worker with a proven track record of efficiently completing tasks in various settings. Ready to join a dynamic team.
By Gary Carter
I am fascinated by Jesus Christ. I am enthralled by the wonders of God the Father. I am inspired and honestly mystified by the work of the Holy Spirit. Being gradually made aware of the glory and brilliance of the Lord has been the great journey of my lifetime. And I trust that a time will come in which I will see Him plainly in His kingdom.
My faith is to my mind quite simple, but it is planted in an infinite, attentive, and loving God. I will try to describe in this statement what has evolved and grown within for the past 49 years.
I believe that the Holy Bible is the inerrant word of God. It should be taught, preached, studied, and practiced. I believe God’s Word has the ability to change people. Moreover, I believe we should let Him change us through His word, and without our limited alterations of His Scriptures.
I believe that the universe was created by God, the eternal. His fingerprints are all over His creation, especially His human beings. From our interest in eternity and the after-life to our individual and collective ideas of what is right or good and wrong or evil, we are the products of our Creator. Still, we are haunted and adrift without the acknowledgement of and a consistent tethering to God. We must commune with our Creator to know our purpose.
I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and as the Lamb of God Who taken away the sins of humanity through His death. I believe that Jesus also reveals the resurrected life that is to come for His Church, through His own resurrection from death. He was the God-man – fully human yet fully God, as mysterious as the Father Who sent Him to us. His very presence in human history proves that God is good – loving, merciful, and engaged with life on Earth.
I believe in the Holy Spirit of God – the Comforter sent to guide, convict, encourage, bless, dazzle, and transform humankind. I believe that He actively heals and enlightens the Church, as well as He actively disciplines and admonishes the Church and the greater world, too. The Holy Spirit breathes life into the Holy Bible, and breathes life into the souls of broken people.
I believe in the Church as the hospital for sinners, the lighthouse for the brokenhearted, and the Body of Christ on Earth. We are the conscience of the state – local, federal, or international. The Church is inclusive to all who seek the power and grace and redemption of God. We must follow Jesus Christ, and not the other way around.
I believe in miracles. I believe in forgiveness. I believe in reconciliation. I believe in humility. I believe that we have an enemy in Satan. I believe that evil’s roots are spiritual and demonic. I believe that all that is seen is a product of the unseen. I believe in giving. I believe in feeding the hungry. I believe in loving my enemies and neighbors. I believe that we all carry the image of God, yet also a God-shaped hole. I believe that the wonders of God need not be explained, but celebrated – like a sunset, or the love between a parent and a child. I believe that the horrors of the world need not be met with more horrors, but overcome with good – like an innocent captive given freedom, or abandoned children given safe homes.
Finally, I believe that the Lord will come again to restore order, judge our hearts, and present a new Heaven and a new Earth. And all shall be well at last.