Currently, I am a science consultant for the Northern Kentucky Region and am working with Harvard Medical/McLean Hospital on a research project for the resilience of youth in STEM classrooms. I have spent 26 years in education in many roles, served as an Instructional Coach, Assistant Principal, Principal and worked for the Kentucky Department of Education as the Regional Science Lead. Hallie graduated with a B.A. of Arts in Criminal Justice Law Enforcement, B.A. in Elementary Education, Masters in Special Education, an Endorsement in K-9 Science Education and a Rank 1 from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio in Leadership. While in the classroom I used LDC (Literacy Design Collaborative) for classroom lessons to create well-rounded, rigorous literacy based units. I have presented at the National Southern Regional Education Board conference in New Orleans, and North Carolina and Nashville, State LDC meetings, and at other districts in the state. I worked as an independent contractor for the Southern Regional Education Board for six years under the leadership of Lynda Jackson. I have written several articles on the integration of literacy within the science classroom and was a Panelist at the 2012 Education Nation discussing the implementation of the Common Core in the classroom. Most recently I wrote an article for NSTA online planning science instruction for all students. I trained educators nationally as a “Common Core Advocate” training educators on how to implement Common Core within the science classroom across the country and within the state of Kentucky. I worked with the Thurgood Marshall Foundation teacher institute as a trainer/mentor for teachers and pre-service teachers on classroom instruction, Common Core, literacy across the core classes and classroom management. I have held many leadership roles throughout her career including Science Lead, Site Based member, Member of the District Leadership Team, Member of the Green and Healthy Schools Committee, and instrumental in the implementation of a solar panel project at her school.