Accomplished Internist with dedicated career in medicine and focus providing quality healthcare for patients in both military and civilian medical practice. Strong skills in communication and diagnostics. Board-certified in Internal Medicine with over 20 years of experience in healthcare environments.
As Director of the Introduction to Clinical Medicine course for first-year students and Coordinator of the Intro to Clinical Medicine course for second year students, I was responsible for teaching Medical Interviewing and Physical Exam skills to medical students in their pre-clinical years. This also entailed recruiting and training simulated patients as well as other staff physicians from local hospitals for small group learning. I also ran the annual Objective Structured Clinical Exam for second year students who were preparing for entry to their clinical internships. Acting as a staff Internist in the outpatient clinic and on the wards was part of this role.
Instructor in other medical school courses to include Medical Ethics, Human Behavior, Human Context in Health Care, and Gross Anatomy Clinical Correlation.
Consultant for Standardized Patient use aboard the USS Comfort during disaster simulation 1999.
1. Forest Award for Teaching Excellence 1993
2. Tri-Service Achievement Medal for development of Internal Resident Structured Clinical Exam
3. AOA Faculty Inductee 1996
4. Best Hands-On Course 1996
5. Meritorious Service Medal 1996
6. Exceptional Service Medal 1998
Provided excellent patient care to both active duty and retirees with their families.