A pioneering marketing scientist with expertise building brands, stimulating demand, and delivering record-setting results. By blending creative marketing with brain science, Jade is uniquely qualified to drive growth on an unprecedented scale.
“One of the smartest guys I have ever met. He is truly a marketing scientist. He has an excellent ability of taking ideas and creating effective brand strategies.”
Jaime Cocuy
Sr. Vice President
Kaplan University
“Jade is a MARKETING GENIUS. I highly recommend working with him if you are looking to take your brand to a whole new level.”
Jairek Robbins
International Speaker
Anthony Robbins Companies
“Strategically brilliant, a great business partner.”
Matt Policastro
Sr. Vice President
Business Wire, A Warren Buffett Company
“Jade is a clever marketing writer with a data-driven mind, introducing innovative concepts, writing hard- hitting copy, and providing in-depth data analysis."
Bill Wax
Founder / President
Wax Custom Communications, A Healthcare Marketing Agency
“Jade brings new meaning to ROI marketing.”
Rob Bell
Chief Executive Officer
Bell Medical Solutions
“Jade Bunke leverages his deep understanding of how the brain works to create novel marketing solutions.”
Doreen Shanahan
Marketing Professor
Pepperdine University