Determined Project Director & Manager in the Behavioral Health Services field adept at assigning tasks to team members based on individual strengths. Strong communication skills with key project stakeholders to ascertain project requirements. Highly regarded, experienced Prevention Educator Professional mobilizing students and communities.
Career Overview: Program management, grant management, prevention campaigns coordination, SUD/substance misuse prevention educator, trainer, media marketing , staff and supervision management. High level of professionalism and interpersonal skills – in visible, responsible leadership positions focused on mobilizing communities for success.
Key Strengths: Energetic; compassionate; effective leader/manager, trainer, strong team and coalition builder; solution-focused. Excellent organizational, communication, and motivational skills. Ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds and build strong partnerships. Fluent in Microsoft Office, Power Point, Excel, web content management systems, and various reporting/social media platforms.