![Jesse Davidson](https://assets.bold.pro/profileassets/_next/image?url=%2Fprflphoto%2Fmpcv-no-country%2F73d6c996-efd6-4057-874c-fabdb4d2c2cb%2Fcropped%2F1708239121453%2Fe5xlf9.jpeg&q=70)
I got allot of experience in these fields and like working has a dishwasher I don't think it's hard it's a good job to have good skills and show up on time try to do the best i can listen clean area usually get hired and more so i like the work
Good person likes to work gets up on time show's up on time get thing done and try's to leave on time and makes good on things
hung out with people owns his own car for transportation not allot of thing's I try to get along with people does the work
used to work there a long time ago it was really good place to work and i enjoyed it
closed down after a while but the building still stands next to a hockey areana
lawn care mowing snow shovel snow blow hanged chiasmas lights on buildings trees other projects as well