A self-assured individual educated to be a focused Compliance Specialist bringing new ideas and fresh optics to the organization, Determined to exceed an employer's expectations and promote developed skills in Healthcare Compliance. Highly skilled and enthusiastic professional with over 24 years of experience managing operations in several large organizations. Successfully oversaw human resources, budgeting, supply management, and customer outcomes. Develop and lead productive and efficient office staff. Contribute to high-volume medical practices by providing exceptional customer service. The extensive and varied background will allow for a fresh perspective which will lead to positive patient experiences and effective business results.
Full-time Studen during the surge of the COVID Pandemic
Introduction to the American Legal System
Structure of Healthcare Enterprises: Legal Forms, Governance and Relationships (non-profits, physician-owned, hospital systems)
Quality Control: Licensing, Accreditation, and Quality Regulation
Coding and Billing
Overview of Public Health Care Programs: Medicare, Medicaid, and the Effects of the ACA (Includes EMTALA)
Regulation of Insurance, Private Health Insurance, Managed Care, and Effects of the ACA Insurance Co. General Counsel or Insurance
Fraud & Abuse/False Claims (Stark Law)
Health Information Management
Anti-Trust Issues in Healthcare Delivery
HIPAA/Patient Privacy
Health Care Transactions and Contracts
Professional Relationships in Healthcare Enterprises
Sources & Types of Liability of Healthcare Institutions and Professionals
Capstone: Experiencing an Investigation