I have worked with individuals from Dementia, Alzheimers, Autism, Epilepsy, Traumatic Brain Injury to individuals with the department of mental health.
This is strictly DMH/RCF building, I set up the medication room and medication cart. Created binders to correlate with documentation. Was in charge of training all our new staff. After new admissions, face sheets and medication list were made and sent to proper physicians.
Checked in and ordered medication from our company pharmacy in Tennessee. When ordering sometimes I had to correspond with doctors to get renewals on Narcotics. Took monthly vitals at the beginning of the month and entered them into our POC system. Started flow sheets for New Medication, Antiobotic use and new admissions. Entered data into PCC system. Input new medication and D/C medication in our electronic EMAR. Worked one on one with our DON for patient care. Monitor Blood sugars and administration of insulin. From time to time our Administrator/DON would be out, I was the one in charge of the building.
On a lighter note I would sit down with the residents and just have conversations with them.
Checked in and ordered medication from our company pharmacy in Tennessee. When ordering sometimes I had to correspond with doctors to get renewals on Narcotics. Took monthly vitals a the beginning of the month and entered them into our POC system. Started flow sheets for New Medication, Antiobotic use and new admissions. Input new medication and D/C medication in our electronic EMAR.Worked one on one with our DON for patient care. Monitor Blood sugars and administration of insulin. From time to time our Administrator/DON would be out, I was the one in charge of the building.
Cleaned clients homes, helped with personal care, went shopping as Medicaid would allow,
Level 1 Medication Aide
Insulin Administration
CPR/IED Certified
Identifying Autism
Behavioral Therapy in Autism
I have raised a child with mild/moderate Autism and taught skills to be a functioning Adult in society, in 2023 My company Americare holds a caregiver conference and only 3 individuals are picked to attend and I was chosen,. In 2021 I was given a company award for upcoming newcomer.