Engineer with expertise in satelite module production, test and data analysis. Manages complex tasks while successfully integrating high level equipment across multiple products. Creates positive and productive atmosphere within interactive team environments.
B&A Rack Redesign - Take a flawed test rack design and make it functional to company production needs. Find salvageable equipment that could be reused to save cost. Identify the appropriate COTS items need to test and mapped out the entire interconnection to match needs for satellite modules. Design relay board box to simulate a switch card for the fraction of the price. Design rack layout to match other existing production racks to insure safety. Center of gravity calculations to verify safety of new rack movement. Developed software to simulate verified production test racks.
Senior Project Design (Autonomous Drone) - Design and build an autonomous drone that will arrive at a given GPS location, release a payload, and return safely home while providing continuous live feed. It encompasses different engineering fields such as mechanical, electrical, hardware, coding, power, testing, etc.
Formula Electric - Design a battery pack along with a battery management system to balance voltage and implement safety. Research and develop components that are compatible with battery pack (BMS, Chargers, Microcontrollers, ECU). Involved in the design of packs to get optimal voltage and current output from the pack using various tools such as MATLAB and Solidworks.
Microcontrollers - Microcontroller programming, applications, and interfacing for various projects. A project that includes different types of dc motor controls and signals. Other projects include RGB displays and sensors that require configuration.
Signals - Design filters from scratch; low pass, high pass, bandstop and bandpass.