Strategic leader in the criminal justice field, with concentration in the family and intimate partner violence and sex offender realm. Possess specialized training in intimate partner violence and child sex abuse investigations. Excel in communication, adaptability, and problem-solving to achieve organizational goals.
Tasked to review current policies and practices, as well as conduct refresher training statewide, to include the LAP 2.0 and DV/IPV General Order 10.002 training. DPSCS-Division of Parole and Probation has an established strategy and structure for the effective management of domestic violence abusers being supervised in the community. Handled victim calls and in-person meetings to assess for danger and lethality, as well as making referrals to outside services. Agency representative at statewide DV meetings with the Governor's Office, Family Violence Council, Baltimore City Domestic Violence High Risk Team, and other outside community agencies. Complete the biannual LAP data collection for the DPSCS submissions.