Highly motivated and accomplished Site Manager with history of overseeing multi-million dollar procurement operations. Strategic planner offering demonstrated track record and core strengths in key relationship management and inventory management as well as persuasive contract negotiation skills.
Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)
All 4 years of high school I participated in the nursing program that was offered which allowed me not only get my CNA Certification it also allowed me to get hands on experience caring for people and building relationships with people by doing clinicals at Doctor's Hospital of Augusta Ga.
On May 26, 2018 I graduated high school with multiple scholarships and college offerings due to my rank in the Grovetown High Army JROTC. My senior year of high school I was promoted Battalion Commander and although it was only JROTC the program was ran exactly according to the standards and policies that our active duty soldiers are held to today. As Battalion Commander for one of the top JROTC programs in the state of Georgia it was my job to train, uplift, and push the cadets to perform at their full unique capabilities not only for the program but most importantly in their personal lives so that they could take the skills that were taught to them and apply it in everyday situations to have the best possible outcome.
A few other of my duties are as follows:
Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)