Work History

Kelly Warren



Dynamic instructional leader with demonstrated capabilities in inspiring, motivating, and uniting others to achieve best practices school culture, teaching, curriculum, and assessment. Articulate communicator able to effectively interact and maintain excellent relationships with diverse populations of students, parents, faculty, and administrators. Self motivated professional with strong planning, organizational, multi-tasking and leadership skills.


years of professional experience

Work History

Professional Development Director

Pueblo School District 60
07.2017 - Current
  • Created, submitted, and facilitated teacher, SSP administrator/principal induction programs
  • Planned, facilitated, and aligned professional development opportunities with strategic plan
  • Managed district professional development system
  • Supervised five principals to include supervision, evaluation, and coaching
  • Utilized CDE Mentor Grant to improve district mentoring systems and increased New Teacher TLCC data
  • Induction Leadership Network Member
  • CDE Induction PLC Member
  • Learning Forward Planning Committee
  • Developed high-performing teams by providing mentorship, guidance, and opportunities for professional growth
  • Leveraged professional development as a primary lever of district improvement to significantly decrease the overall number of priority improvement and turnaround schools, from 10 to 3, over the past five years
  • Boosted client satisfaction rates through exceptional relationship management and prompt resolution of issues

Elementary Principal/Curriculum Specialist at Banning Lewis Ranch Academy

Falcon School District 49
07.2015 - 06.2017
  • Successfully implemented use of professional learning communities, PD System, and CDE evaluation rubrics.
  • Awarded Title II grant and Early Literacy Assessment Tool Grant to obtain PLC training and two years of data coaching for our Kindergarten and First Grade teachers.
  • Data coaching and targeted instruction resulted in highest ever student growth in DIBELS Next Scores at BLRA
  • Strengthened teacher collaboration through the establishment of professional learning communities focused on student achievement.
  • Enhanced school performance by implementing data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement strategies.

Principal at Woodmen Hills Elementary

Falcon School District 49
07.2011 - 06.2015
  • Led staff in teacher evaluation, effective teaching strategies, change process, development of Unified Improvement Plan, professional development planning and implementation, conflict resolution, mentoring of new teachers, building new teacher orientation, data analysis, and communication with staff, families, and community.
  • National PTA School of Excellence Award
  • CDE Healthy Schools Champion Award
  • WHES was recognized by Gazette as "standout" for academic achievement. 90%, proficient and advanced in fourth grade reading, (highest ever) 92% third grade math (highest ever), 90% in fourth grade math (tied for highest ever).
  • Collaborative Leader in areas of budget priorities, professional development needs, school goals, curricular material adoption, action research, implementation of change, and building social contracts.
  • Encouraged/Facilitated leadership development of all teachers.
  • Increased teacher effectiveness through comprehensive coaching, professional development opportunities, and mentorship programs.
  • Developed strong relationships with stakeholders to foster trust, collaboration, and commitment to shared goals.

Curriculum and Instruction Administrator-Instructional Coach at Woodmen Hills Elementary and Stetson Hills Elementary

Falcon School District 49
07.2010 - 06.2011
  • Partnered with building leadership teams and staff to provide data driven, relevant, and results based professional learning opportunities for teachers in two elementary buildings.
  • Provided/facilitated embedded professional learning opportunities for elementary teachers to include modeling, co-teaching, co-planning, and observation with feedback while building trusting relationships to increase teacher effectiveness and student achievement.
  • Provided district and school-based training: New Colorado Standards Implementation, Treasures Implementation, Accessing Text for All Students and Mentoring in the 21st Century.
  • Utilized Standards Assessment Inventory to target school based professional development improvement with proven results.
  • Supported teachers with improvement in classroom management, differentiating instruction, instructional design, best practice instructional and assessment strategies.
  • Participated in Target Coach2Coach ENI training program to include 1:1 on site coaching focusing on coaching conversations, fierce conversations, professional learning communities, data collection and usage, and defining coaching roles/responsibilities.

Professional Development Coordinator

Falcon School District 49
07.2007 - 06.2010
  • Assisted Curriculum and Instruction and Administrative teams in coordinating professional development learning opportunities for paraprofessionals, teachers, and administrative staff that align with district data and focused areas of improvement.
  • Planned for, coordinated, and provided training for districts' New Teacher Orientation, Mentor/Induction program, Electronic Registrar Online System, and Standards Assessment Inventory for professional development.
  • Responsible for professional development budgets with consistent focus on increased organization, utilization of current technology, and continuous improvement.
  • Provided staff with variety of ways to gain professional development opportunities to include online courses, in-district courses, project-based learning, teacher observations, and book studies.
  • Led Staff Development District Committee to plan, develop, and implement our CDE approved differentiated Induction Program.
  • Mentor/Induction Program recognized by CDE as exemplary
  • Enhanced professional development offerings by assessing needs and collaborating with subject matter experts.

Literacy Coach at Woodmen Hills Elementary

Falcon School District 49
07.2006 - 06.2007

  • UCCS Site Coordinator who observed and evaluated teacher candidates.
  • Planned and implemented comprehensive coaching program for teachers, which included training, collaboration, modeling, and peer coaching.
  • Provided instructional leadership and training for successful implementation of BRI, DIBELS, and Multisensory Reading,


Principal Licensure Program -

University of Denver
Denver, CO

Master of Science - Speech Pathology and Audiology

University of Northern Colorado
Greeley, CO

Bachelors of Science - Education Speech Pathology and Audiology

State University of New York
Buffalo, NY


  • RELAY- Principal Supervisor Training
  • Keys to Literacy Training
  • Mentor, Classroom Management, Rigor, and Principal Pipeline Trainer
  • Leading impactful professional learning initiatives
  • Coaching other's to provide impacting learning initiatives
  • Managing complex projects and meeting deadlines
  • Microsoft Office/Google Suite
  • Ability To Communicate Effectively
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • K-12 Education


Professional Development Director

Pueblo School District 60
07.2017 - Current

Elementary Principal/Curriculum Specialist at Banning Lewis Ranch Academy

Falcon School District 49
07.2015 - 06.2017

Principal at Woodmen Hills Elementary

Falcon School District 49
07.2011 - 06.2015

Curriculum and Instruction Administrator-Instructional Coach at Woodmen Hills Elementary and Stetson Hills Elementary

Falcon School District 49
07.2010 - 06.2011

Professional Development Coordinator

Falcon School District 49
07.2007 - 06.2010

Literacy Coach at Woodmen Hills Elementary

Falcon School District 49
07.2006 - 06.2007

Principal Licensure Program -

University of Denver

Master of Science - Speech Pathology and Audiology

University of Northern Colorado

Bachelors of Science - Education Speech Pathology and Audiology

State University of New York
Kelly Warren