Work History
Extra Curricular

Kirthy Kolluri



Experienced with conducting thorough research and analyzing data to support academic projects. Utilizes strong organizational skills and attention to detail to ensure accuracy and reliability of findings. Strongly motivated to educate and mentor students to learn beyond barriers.


years of professional experience

Work History

Teacher's Assistant

The University of Texas at Dallas
01.2014 - 08.2023

Interacting with students individually or in groups, leading group project discussions

  • Delivering guest lectures and taking classroom sessions to address the questions on the project/course.
  • Prepared materials for hands-on learning activities and demonstrations.
  • Assisted teachers in creating lesson plans and developing instructional materials.
  • Facilitated group discussions among students to encourage critical thinking skills.
  • Maintained accurate records of student attendance, grades, and behavior reports.
  • Proctored exams and ensured test-taking procedures were followed by all students.
  • Organized classroom resources such as textbooks, supplies, and educational tools.
  • Graded assignments and provided feedback to students on their performance.
  • Monitored student progress and communicated concerns or achievements to teacher.
  • Provided one-on-one tutoring to students who needed additional help with coursework.
  • Managed classes with more than 75 students in some semesters

Research Assistant

The University of Texas at Dallas
08.2015 - 12.2015
  • Participated actively in regular meetings with fellow researchers to discuss project updates, challenges faced, and lessons learned during ongoing activities.
  • Involved with professors in performing research work for writing papers
  • Performed coding-related work to develop apps related to research work
  • Conducted experimentation, analyzed data, and summarized results to generate graphs for results
  • Conducted literature reviews on relevant research topics.
  • Assisted in preparing presentations for investigators, collaborators, or sponsors.
  • Organized research materials, maintaining a well-ordered workspace conducive to productivity.


Ph.D. - Software Engineering

The University of Texas At Dallas
Richardson, TX

Master of Science - Computer Science

University of Houston-Clear Lake
Houston, TX

Bachelor of Science - Information Technology

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University


  • Machine Learning (Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning)
  • Programming (Java, Python, Android Studio)
  • Database Languages (SQL, MongoDb)
  • Cloud (AWS S3, Lambda, EMR, Step functions, EC2, IAM)


  • K. Kolluri, R. Ahn, T. Hill, L. Chung, Risk Analysis for Collaborative Systems during Requirements Engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2021), 2021, 297-302
  • K. Kolluri, R. Ahn, J. Rauer, T. Hill, L. Chung, Risk Analysis for Collaborative Systems during Requirements Engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2022), 2022
  • K. Kolluri, T. Hill, L. Chung, Identifying Risks and Risk-Mitigation Strategies for Collaborative Systems during Requirements Engineering: A Goal-Oriented Approach, International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2023)
  • J. Rauer, L. Chung, K. Kolluri, T. Hill, Eliciting Smartphone App Requirements for Helping Senior People: A Questionnaire Approach, Second International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health (REWBAH), 2021
  • R. Ahn, S. Supakkul, L. Zhao, K. Kolluri, T. Hill, L. Chung, Validating Business Problem Hypotheses: A Goal-Oriented and Machine Learning-Based Approach, International Conference on Big Data (BigData 2021), 2021, (In press)
  • R. Ahn, S. Supakkul, L. Zhao, K. Kolluri, T. Hill, L. Chung, A Goal-Oriented Approach for Preparing a Machine-Learning Dataset to Support Business Problem Validation, IEEE Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing (CBDCom), 2021, 282-289


  • Considered the Reference Model, which lays emphasis on “Collaboration” and extended it with risks.
  • Captured the Ontology of the smartphone application domain to identify key concepts.
  • Worked on multiple examples to identify various risks related to different kinds of Agents.
  • Identified various patterns in the examples and formalized those patterns, which were used as templates to develop a semi-automated tool.
  • Developed Murphy Assistant tool to semi-automate risks from a Requirement per the Reference Model.
  • Developed a smartphone application Theia as proof of concept, to verify the strengths and weaknesses of risk analysis performed by Murphy framework.


For this work, we have conducted two different experiments using a risk identification tool and a Smartphone app:

1. Murphy Assistant Tool

  • Using the Murphy Assistant tool, we helped the users identify risks associated with a Requirement, Specification and Domain assumptions by using the Ontology captured.
  • Identified the many important/critical risks [software-related (app giving incorrect instructions, etc.), user-related (e.g., user not following the instructions accurately, etc.), hardware-related (e.g., phone speaker not working, etc.)] using the captured Ontology
  • Devised risk-mitigation strategies to help avoid the identified risks (e.g., screen tapping mechanism, app reading out the step number, etc.)

2. Theia

  • Developed two versions of the smartphone application Theia , a general smartphone application to help blind people navigate indoors and a second version of Theia developed by using the risk-mitigation strategies devised using the Murphy Assistant tool
  • Compared the results obtained from the two versions to check the strengths and weaknesses of using risk identification early on during requirements engineering

We have observed that performing risk identification and analysis early on during Requirements Engineering phase can indeed help alleviate risks.

Extra Curricular

  • Presented work in multiple Net-Centric IUCRC and NSF meetings
  • Presented posters for multiple years in net-centric IUCRC conferences
  • Demoed the smartphone app "Theia" developed by using the results of our research , to the (then) director of American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) in Dallas, Ms. Neva Fairchild and obtained her feedback
  • Had multiple meetings with the Director of Accessibility at UTD, Ms. Kerry Tate, discussed many keys issues pertaining to blind people/users and also presented the working app to obtain feedback.


Research Assistant

The University of Texas at Dallas
08.2015 - 12.2015

Teacher's Assistant

The University of Texas at Dallas
01.2014 - 08.2023

Ph.D. - Software Engineering

The University of Texas At Dallas

Master of Science - Computer Science

University of Houston-Clear Lake

Bachelor of Science - Information Technology

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Kirthy Kolluri