Work History

Kristen Q. Shorey



Enthusiastic and passionate Special Educator with superb leadership and communication skills. Easily cultivates trusting and productive relationships with students, parents, teachers and administrators. Offers a strong educational background with 30 years of experience, as well as excellent interpersonal and organizational skills.


years of professional experience

Work History

Coordinator of Special Education & Related Service

07.2022 - Current
  • Attended IEP meetings by using family-centered, strength-based approach.
  • Collaborated with in-state agencies and public schools to establish accessible services for deaf and deafblind students.
  • Supported general education teachers and administrators in implementing strategies to meet needs of deaf and deafblind students.
  • Maintained contact with parents to address concerns and needs of children, and share resources re: deaf/HH.
  • Used CINC and Infinite Campus to maintain student records and prepare reports.
  • Evaluated and supervised 11-person special education staff through observation, feedback and recommendations.
  • Led and managed 504/IEP child study teams to develop consistent interventions to support students who are deaf with additional disabilities.
  • Provided technical assistance and PD to educational staff across the state to enhance knowledge and skills.
  • Knowledge of educational budget and directed spending and resources to support fiscal efficiency with in my department.

Deaf/Special Education Consultant

08.2006 - 07.2022

Provide services to families with children birth to age 22 who are deaf or hard of hearing, in the State of Maine. Embedded in the Part C & B CDS system as well as public schools, across the state. I conducted home visits to families (0-3), to provide unbiased information about: early childhood development, hearing loss, auditory skills development and amplification, communication and technology options, education and program resources, funding options, parent networking and deaf mentoring. Completed ongoing developmental, functional, and language assessments to monitor progress. Provide weekly SDI and/or consultation to deaf plus student ages 3-22 placed in a variety of schools across the state. Ongoing consultation and observations for educational staff regarding the child's hearing levels, technology and communication/language needs. Conduct eligibility observations, completed developmental/academic evaluations, functional listening evaluations, and participate in IEP Meetings. Keep daily and quarterly data on child outcomes/goals in the CDS' CINC system, and for school district.


Master of Education - Special Education

Grand Canyon University
Phoenix, AZ

Graduate Certificate - D/HH Infants, Toddlers & Families - Leadership

Gallaudet University
Washington, DC

Bachelor of Science - Human Development And Regular & Special Education

Wheelock College
Boston, Massachusetts


    Maine State Certified - 035, 029, 282, 292

    IDEA & Maine State MUSER knowledge

    Critical Thinker

    Experienced Consultant

    Working with Parents/Guardians a strength

    Knowledge and experience in ASD

    Fluent in ASL

    Versed in Hearing Assistive Technology

    Deafblind Training

    Keen observation skills

    Teacher Mentor Trained

    Certification Coordinator


Hermon High School – Parent Council Co-Chair & Booster Club Member - October 2016 to August 2023

Hermon School Committee – July 2020 – 2023 Vice Chair 2022-2023

Educational Consultant for New England Consortium on Deafblind Technical Assistance and Training - State of
Maine Educational Consultant - October 2015 to present (20 hours/month)

Special/Deaf Educator responsible for spearheading the Deaf Plus Collaborative Program at Morrison Center in
Scarborough, Maine - Fall 2016


Coordinator of Special Education & Related Service

07.2022 - Current

Deaf/Special Education Consultant

08.2006 - 07.2022

Master of Education - Special Education

Grand Canyon University

Graduate Certificate - D/HH Infants, Toddlers & Families - Leadership

Gallaudet University

Bachelor of Science - Human Development And Regular & Special Education

Wheelock College
Kristen Q. Shorey