Microsoft: Word, Excel, Powerpoint
University graduate with an educational background in Psychology specializing in personality disorders. Statistical experience gained through hands-on academic research projects. Strong organizational capabilities ensure ability to handle numerous projects at once while prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines. Prepared to start career and make meaningful change in struggling individuals' lives.
Literature review and statistical analysis of survey results measuring RU students' political alignments and attitudes toward categories of sex workers. Intended to uncover any correlations between the two variables. Results did not indicate any clear correlations between political alignment and general attitude toward sex workers. Reactions were different depending on sex workers' specific occupations (i.e. indirect versus direct).
Meta-analysis of treatment plans, experiments, and other research concerning quality of care for borderline patients. Aimed to evaluate the adequacy of the current treatment standards. Explored the issues of overprescription, outdated research, and clinical blacklisting faced by the population.
Microsoft: Word, Excel, Powerpoint
Google: Docs, Sheets, Slides