An aspiring electrical engineer with a deep understanding of varies concepts such as power systems and semiconductor devices. With a strong work ethic and an increased interest in power generation and circuit design, I am excited to apply my textbook knowledge to real world applications.
Working with three other electrical engineers throughout a full semester, we were given three major projects to fulfill. Our team was given the task of creating a thermometer with online capabilities, a functioning receiver and transmitter using IR LEDs and Operational Amplifiers, lastly to create a simple portfolio website for our team.
Electrical Troubleshooting
Electrical Safety
Power Electronics Experience
Voltage Testing
AC and DC Power Systems
Power systems
Friendly, Positive Attitude
Teamwork and Collaboration
Computer Skills
Flexible and Adaptable
Time Management
Dependable and Responsible
Microsoft Excel
AVR Assembler
Fundamentals of Engineering Training - Jul 01 - Dec 25
Renewable Energy
Circuit Analysis
Being constantly active provides long term benefits such as increased productivity, focus, and reduced probability of injury.
Fundamentals of Engineering Training - Jul 01 - Dec 25