Empathetic Intervention Specialist and General Education Teacher with compassion for students of varying needs. Strengths include the ability to work well with others, be flexible and understanding, and to follow district's curriculum to best serve my students.
Taught in an Integrated Preschool Classroom consisting of students with various needs, including Autism, Developmental Delay, Speech Impairment, and Multi Handicap.
Used the AEPS curriculum to instruct and monitor student growth. Completed observations and ETR's for incoming preschoolers, and developed and written IEP's based on data and students' needs.
Worked in a cross-categorical classroom consisting of students grades K-5. Developed and implemented IEP's. Planned and instructed lessons and activities specific to each student's goals. Progress monitored to determine students' needs. Assessed students including accommodations when needed, and provided students with alternate assessments. Developed close relationships with the students, families, paraprofessionals, and other team members, such as the occupational therapist, speech pathologist, and school psychologist to best serve my students on IEP's.
Managed, created and, implemented differentiated instruction to a classroom of approximately 16-20 First Graders. Worked closely with the Intervention Specialist as we team taught lessons in Reading and Math. Completed and implemented LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training to instruct in the areas of phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Managed and instructed a classroom of 20-25 students developing lessons in all subject areas with a focus on Language and Social Studies. Worked closely with coworkers during weekly TBT (Teacher Based Team) meetings to collaborate on different approaches to improve student learning and outcomes. Received the Crystal Apple Award in 2012.
Managed and taught a classroom of 20-25 2nd Graders each year. Built and executed on lesson plans ranging all subject areas including Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. Improved students' reading fluency by progress monitoring using district programs.