Medical Assistant
Kaiser Permanente Reproductive Endocrinology/ IVF
San Francisco , CA
02.2016 - Current
- Administrative: Schedule appointments, answer phone calls, route messages accordingly from voicemail and email, patient documentation, scan then fax documents to medical records department, and responsible for weekly order of supplies through ONE link
- Clinical: Directed patients to exam rooms, vital signs, perform HCG urine tests, administer Flu Injections, prepared ultrasound machines for examinations, prepared procedure rooms, and assist providers with Intrauterine insemination, saline sonogram, & IVF trial egg transfers, IVF egg retrieval, IVF egg transfer, IUD insertions, vaginal exams, pap smears, cultures, track and log soiled instruments for pick up for sanitation courier, track, log and sanitize transvaginal probes, sanitized, restocked and organized exam rooms.
- Enhanced my ability to empathize with patients within this highly sensitive specialty of fertility and its complications.