Having obtained my degree in social work and leaving my home country within a year of doing so, forced me to grow and put into use the skills I acquired during my studies. I have worked with children aged 2-8 years old together with the parents in order to ensure that their needs are met and safety is ensured, that was more of using the interdisciplinary approach to make the end goal achievable. Working with children involved breaking up fights between siblings and that is where I got to put my conflict solving and communication skills to work as most of the time I was expected to report back to the parents regarding the children's behavior and other times I had to communicate my own feelings to people who share different beliefs and culture than me . Furthermore, I believe I have made a change and impacted the lives of those I met and worked with positively and I still aspire to be the Social Worker I envisioned myself to be and I believe with this opportunity I will be a step closer. I wanted to be a social worker so I can help make a change and that does not end within just my home country I believe.
Bachelor of Social Work obtained 11 April 2022
Registered with the South African Council for Social Service Professions on 28 March 2022
Bachelor of Social Work obtained 11 April 2022
Registered with the South African Council for Social Service Professions on 28 March 2022