Software Developer with training and experience in application development with the MERN stack and in python programming. Knowledgeable in a wide range of development languages and methodologies. Bright critical thinker with proven talent for learning quickly in a results-oriented environment.
MERN Stack eCommerce App
Built an eCommerce platform from the ground up with React, Redux, Express & MongoDB, comprising a host of functionality (full featured shopping cart, product reviews and ratings, top product carousel, product pagination, product search feature, user profile with orders, admin product management, admin user management, admin order details page, mark orders as delivered, checkout process, PayPal / credit card integration, custom database seeder).
Full-Stack Developer for Durable Alpha at CodeLaunch 8
Set up both the front-end and back-end for Durable Alpha, a site providing personalized alternative trading data reports for better investment strategies. Used the React.js framework on the front-end and Firebase's API's and Firestore for the back-end.
Back-end Developer for Webloom at DefHacks Hackathon
Set up the back-end for the web app Webloom, providing better communication and access to vital information between caretakers and and families of special needs children. Employed Node.js and Express.js to set up the server and REST API's, and MongoDB Atlas as the database.
Front-end Developer for PC Builder
Set up the front-end for PC Builder, a clone of PC Part Picker intended to provide a more intuitive approach to custom PC builds. Used React.js to set up the entire front-end for the site, including react state management to provide site-wide theme changes and react routing for swift navigation and to minimize server requests.