An experienced senior professional engineer specializing in both structural and geotechnical engineering with an extensive background in designing and managing complex projects. Designed buildings, schools, hotels, precast concrete wind towers, city poles, lattice towers, self-support towers, and utility wood poles for various Projects including foundations which include caisson, steel, concrete piles, pad and pier, helical and block foundations. Additionally, experience in geotechnical aspects such as slope stability and seepage analysis. Demonstrated ability to manage diverse projects effectively while ensuring high-quality outcomes.
Publications & Presentations
Muhsen, SA, 2016, "Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Wind Turbine Towers Subjected to Wind and Seismic Loads," PhD Dissertation presented to Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
Skill Set
Computer: AutoCAD, Midas, Risa 3D, Delphi, Excel, Tnx, O-Calc, Mathcad, GeoStudio