Motivated and detail-oriented claims professional with a strong focus on delivering exceptional results and providing outstanding customer service. Experienced in claims processing, loss evaluation, and policy interpretation. Seeking an opportunity to leverage these skills as a Property Desk Adjuster. Goal is to excel in a role as an Inside Desk Adjuster in claims management, contributing to the success of the organization.
Designated Home State: GA
AL - 3001948678
AK - 3002409740
AR - 20304041
ID - 20304041
IN - 3792009
KY - DOI-1203050
LA - 1009375
MN - 40849013
MS - 10861987
NV - 3878301
NM - 20304041
NC - 20304041
OK - 3002395009
OR - 20304041
SC - 20304041
TX - 2837860
UT - 974355
WA - 1196531
WV - 20304041