Exemplary Crew Member offers dynamic client engagement, food safety and inventory restocking. Can-do attitude toward completing tasks, exceeding expectations and maintaining satisfaction. Dependable all around employee with experience and well-developed critical thinking, problem-solving and organizational skills. Exceptional communicator and team player trained in operating cash registers and serving customers. Goes above and beyond to serve guests and promote loyalty. Enthusiastic team member eager to contribute to business success. Experience providing quality work to exceed expectations. Brings reliability combined with focus on customer satisfaction and teamwork. Collaborative Crew Team Member with 5 years of experience supporting busy restaurant operations with clear communication skills and definitive action in critical situations. Sharp and flexible employee willing to assume different roles depending on need at moment's notice. Exceptional chef and server with dedication to company values and protocols.
Dedicated to everything I do! Enthusiastic basketball and softball player. A big sister and mentor to my 5 younger siblings. I am a art enthusiast, an aspiring photographer, and artist.