Investigations / Security
I started earning my own money at the age of 12 working with my dad. - He owned his own businesses. In the summers, I would work at his CB Radio repair office helping customers and cashiering. Sometimes help with inventory. In the winter, I'd drive a plow-truck and dispatch other drivers on the radio when needed. I gained mechanical knowledge and enjoyed being around heavy equipment.
I'd hunt with my parents until I could carry my own gun and have a permit of my own. We've always fished. My best memories are because my family worked together and vacationed together. I started lifting weights when I was 19. Bodybuilding challenges me to connect my mind with my body. I competed in my first competition before I was 35. My next goal is to compete again in a couple years. I was married a couple months ago and am looking forward to this new chapter and many more adventures.
At anytime I could have 64 prisoners to manage. I worked in both Minimum and Maximum housing areas of the Jail. In the Maximum area, I would rotate shifts with other officers working in the Guard towers. I ran security panels opening doors and watching Jail activity on the cameras.
I worked in the Processing area known as "booking". I assisted arresting officers with female prisoners who were combative. I'd check for the completion of paperwork before I'd search a prisoner because I'd find illegal items known as contraband hidden on the person. When the prisoner was able to enter the Jail, I'd assist with taking booking photos and fingerprints.
I strength trained for 3 months to prepare for the swat team of the Jail known as MCIRT (Movement Critical Incident Response Team). I was firearms certified and trained for riots. I would transport prisoners to medical appointments outside of the Jail and do perimeter checks. I would be the MCIRT clerk if needed, giving out assignments and taking care of the daily paperwork.
I worked in the Programs unit. I would take prisoners who were allowed to work in the garden to the Farmer's market. The prisoners were able to talk about the things they grew and harvested. I also took care of the beehives and harvested honey.
I enjoyed working with the public. I volunteered to walk in parades, paint pumpkins with kids at Halloween, and shop with a cop events. I also volunteered to give out stuffed animals at an Easter event for a special needs school.
Investigations / Security
Heavy Equipment Operating / Mechanics
Fish and Game / Working with animals
Dispatch / Office Management