Work History
Work Availability
Onesine Kpessokro

Onesine Kpessokro

logistics specialist
Fort Leonard Wood,MO


Talented Truck Driver with good route planning, payment handling and customer service skills. Offering 11 years of experience and basic maintenance knowledge. Performance-driven and detail-oriented with methodical approach to following through on every need. Bringing hardworking nature, clean driving record and solid work history in transportation positions. Proficient in operating 4 trucks and 10 trailers, as well as loading, securing and unloading products with maximum efficiency. Well-organized and knowledgeable in meeting customer needs, coordinating paperwork and meeting company objectives. Motivated truck operator with impeccable driving record and over 10 years of transportation industry expertise. Offers focus and skills in route management and freight documentation. Adept at operating the combination of tractor/Semi-trailer equipment. Highly attentive to changing road and traffic conditions. Organized Truck Driver with proven track record of delivering within specified time frames. Customer-focused and strong communicator to effectively interact with others. Quick learner with management potential. Hardworking Transportation professional with superior record of towing cars, vans and trucks of all sizes using different hauling vehicles. Knowledgeable about roadside assistance procedures and experienced in working with law enforcement professionals. Experienced Commercial Truck Driver handles different types of loads with skill and efficiency. Well-organized and resourceful with superior work ethic and 10+ years in logistics.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Instructor for Truck Driver

US Army Transportation School
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
01.2019 - Current
  • Operated with safety and skill to avoid accidents and delays.
  • Demonstrated safe driving by following regulations and safety procedures, resulting in zero accidents.
  • Inspected 25 trucks daily for malfunctions and reported vehicles to management for corrective action.
  • Maintained daily, legible DOT logbook and submitted corresponding documents.
  • Completed regular inspections and maintenance actions, as well as basic equipment repairs, to keep equipment operating at peak levels.
  • Minimized delays by planning and adjusting routes to account for changing weather and traffic conditions.
  • Clearly communicated with dispatchers to give updated information on estimated times of arrival and latest road conditions.

Truck Operator

1st Cavalry Division, United States Army
Fort Hood, TX
06.2017 - 01.2019
  • Completed regular inspections and maintenance actions, as well as basic equipment repairs, to keep equipment operating at peak levels.
  • Loaded and unloaded products at warehouses and customer locations using hand trucks, pallet jacks and forklifts.
  • Dropped and hooked trailers and changed configuration of equipment.
  • Operated with safety and skill to avoid accidents and delays.
  • Demonstrated safe driving by following regulations and safety procedures, resulting in zero accidents.
  • Inspected 25 trucks for malfunctions and reported vehicles to management for corrective action.
  • Maintained daily, legible DOT log book and submitted corresponding documents.
  • Clearly communicated with dispatchers to give updated information on estimated times of arrival and latest road conditions.
  • Maximized load safety by balancing, securing and weighing products.
  • Enhanced 120 customer relations by consistently delivering shipments according to schedule and quickly addressing any concerns.
  • Minimized delays by planning and adjusting routes to account for changing weather and traffic conditions.
  • Executed safety practices and inventory loading without customer complaints, accidents or lost-time.
  • Completed preventive maintenance and mechanical repairs on vehicles.
  • Maintained current CDL with Hazardous Materials and Doubles and Triples endorsements.
  • Pushed and pulled dollies into place and raised and lowered landing gear on semi-trailers.
  • Transported hazardous materials and oversized shipments without incident.
  • Verified contents of inventory loads against Bills of Lading.
  • Verified hazardous material product descriptions and determined any discrepancies in paperwork.

Truck Operator

66th Trans CO, 16th SB, 1st TSC, US ARMY
Kaiserslautern, Germany, Rheinland-Pfals, Germnany
01.2013 - 06.2016
  • Completed regular inspections and maintenance actions, as well as basic equipment repairs, to keep equipment operating at peak levels.
  • Loaded and unloaded products at warehouses and customer locations using hand trucks, pallet jacks and forklifts.
  • Dropped and hooked trailers and changed configuration of equipment.
  • Operated with safety and skills to avoid accidents and delays.
  • Maintained updated and detailed records of calls in physical and electronic database.
  • Planned, organized and managed work of subordinate staff to accomplish consistent work within organizational standards.
  • Processed orders, ran bulk pick sheets, processed and printed invoices and created daily shipping logs.
  • Directed investigations to verify and resolve customer or shipper complaints.
  • Implemented schedule and policy changes and collaborated with management to formulate new policies, procedures and goals.
  • Trained 12 new employees in various procedures and gave feedback on daily work performance to increase productivity and caller satisfaction by 70%.
  • Coordinated schedules for optimal coverage of daily workload and adjusted quickly to changing demands.
  • Facilitated communications between customers and field personnel to answer questions or resolve concerns.
  • Received new orders, prepared documentation and assigned personnel.
  • Monitored flow of paperwork and directed information to appropriate departments.

Teacher's Aide Volunteer

Clarksville School District
Clarksville, TN
02.2011 - 03.2013
  • Supported student learning objectives through personalized and small group assistance.
  • Assisted teachers with classroom management and document coordination to maintain positive learning environment.
  • Delivered personalized educational, behavioral and emotional support to individual students to enable positive learning outcomes.
  • Supported classroom activities, tutoring, and reviewing work.
  • Set up visual aids, equipment and classroom displays to support teacher's lesson delivery.
  • Monitored students on field trips, handling roll call and group movement to keep youths safe in public settings.
  • Took daily attendance, notifying classroom teacher immediately of student absences.
  • Used behavior modeling and specialized teaching techniques to share and reinforce social skills.
  • Maximized receptive learning by educating students using hands-on instructional techniques.
  • Assisted and mentored students in groups of up to 20 by reviewing lesson teachings and homework completion.


Basic Combat Training,Advanced Individual Training - Logistics And Transportation

US Army Transportation School
Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Bachelor of Science - Applied Management

Grand Canyon University
Phoenix, AZ
06.2021 - Current

Associate of Science - Small Group Management

Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
11.2019 - 04.2021

Advanced Leader Course - Logistics And Materials Management

U.S. Army Transportation School
Fort Lee, VA
08.2019 - 09.2019


  • Dangerous Goods Transportation
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Process Monitoring and Logistics Coordination
  • Corrective Action as well as Truck/Trailer Coupling and Uncoupling
  • Professional Telephone Demeanor
  • Key Stakeholder Relationship Building
  • Route Dispatch
  • Retail Experience
  • Retail Store Support
  • Driver Communications
  • Driver Evaluation
  • Driver Monitoring
  • Licensed Driver
  • Driver Education
  • Driver Relations
  • Driver Scheduling
  • Driver Management
  • Driver Coordination
  • Safe Driver
  • Certified Forklift Driver
  • New Driver Training
  • Defensive Driver Training


  • Earned Class A Doubles, Triples and Tanker Endorsements.
  • Used Microsoft Excel to develop inventory tracking spreadsheets.
  • Supervised team of 25 staff members.
  • demonstrated the highest standards of integrity and moral character; recognized by The Honorable Order of Saint Christopher
  • Earned the award of Demonstrated Logistician in the US Army


  • Certified Hazardous material Driver, US Army- 2018
  • Certified Hazardous Material Certifier, US Army - 2014
  • Hazmat driver's License - 2019
  • Demonstrated Logistician - 2019
  • Certified truck operator instructor, US Army Transportation School - 2020


Native or Bilingual
Limited Working
Full Professional

Work Availability

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There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that, once unleashed, can make any vision, dream, or desire a reality.
Tony Robbins


Bachelor of Science - Applied Management

Grand Canyon University
06.2021 - Current

Associate of Science - Small Group Management

Purdue University
11.2019 - 04.2021

Advanced Leader Course - Logistics And Materials Management

U.S. Army Transportation School
08.2019 - 09.2019

Instructor for Truck Driver

US Army Transportation School
01.2019 - Current

Truck Operator

1st Cavalry Division, United States Army
06.2017 - 01.2019

Truck Operator

66th Trans CO, 16th SB, 1st TSC, US ARMY
01.2013 - 06.2016

Teacher's Aide Volunteer

Clarksville School District
02.2011 - 03.2013

Basic Combat Training,Advanced Individual Training - Logistics And Transportation

US Army Transportation School
Onesine Kpessokrologistics specialist