With over 25 years of provider experience, including a pivotal role at Northern Arizona VA Health Care System Home Based Primary Care, this candidate excels in patient communication and diagnosis, significantly enhancing patient outcomes. Candidate's expertise spans telehealth, primary care, emergency care. Candidate maintains dual national certifications as a Nurse Practitioner and a Physician Assistant to maintain the most current medical knowledge for best patient outcomes. Known for adept problem-solving and a comprehensive care approach, this professional ensures high patient satisfaction and improved health metrics. Additionally, membership in MENSA highlights an exceptional commitment to intellectual rigor.
Mobile clinic in rural location for uninsured and underinsured grade-school students.
Temporary position taking over full duties of internal medicine office while owners were overseas.
One-MD, one-NP family practice in rural Colorado, treating all ages and all levels of acuity, including OB.
Full family practice/urgent care/house calls on extremely remote corner of the Navajo Reservation (designated "frontier" by National Health Services Corps). Clinic was a "Tribal 638 Federally Qualified Health Center", owned and operated by the Navajo people.
The Tohono O'Odham people had the highest incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in the world, resulting in general complications and high acuity of conditions. In addition, this remote government hospital/clinic was situated just north of an open border with Mexico. (The Tohono O'Odham's traditional lands extended into Mexico, so no border barriers were allowed.) Unfortunately, the land became a corridor for drug trafficking (and accompanying violence) and for undocumented migrant families who were unprepared for the challenging terrain and extreme conditions they faced.
(Cert # F0899558, 1999-Present)
(Cert # 1041665, 1999-Present)
(Cert # F0899558, 1999-Present)
(Cert # 1041665, 1999-Present)