I am a self-starter and self-motivated person. I have 39 years of experience in splicing and maintaining copper and fiber optic cables and networks. I have installed and maintained closures, vaults and terminals. I am experienced in working in confined spaces as well as aloft. I have been a team leader in many outside plant operations including engineering of projects and overseeing their completion. I am OSHA certified and have had zero OSHA violations. I am a member of IBEW Local 824.
Set up fiber optic terminals for splicing. Worked with placing crew, other technicians and engineers for set up and maintenance of serving cabinets.
Pole Climbing, 01/1985, 02/1985, Lead closures and pulp cable, 02/1985, 03/1985, Copper cable splicing, 01/1985, 02/1985, Fiber Optic Cable Splicing, 01/1987, 02/2024.
United States Army Reserves, Specialist 4, 03/1985, 01/2000, Cargo Documentation Specialist - Supervised the on and off load of military ships.
Honorably discharged