Work History
Professional Development
Manuscripts In Preparation
Conference Talks
Conference Posters
Teaching And Mentorship Experience
Relevant Work Experience
Honors And Awards
Campus Activities And Leadership
Professional References

Riley Loria



Advance Doctoral student with excellent quantitative training and experience. Highly proficient in R. Highly competent in various kinds of statistical analysis and skilled in managing complex data structures. Advance training in research/survey design as well as principles of testing and measurement, with an emphasis on IRT and factor analysis. Strong theoretical background in social and personality psychology. Skilled scientific writer, contributing to multiple publication.


years of professional experience

Work History

Data Evaluation Fellow

Research to Policy Collaboration
2023.09 - Current

Organization focused on helping policymakers improve their use of research evidence.

  • Contribute to program analysis for 4+ projects at a time
  • Conduct factor analysis and use item response theory to improve ongoing measurement efforts
  • Analyze multilevel complex datasets (longitudinal data with 1000+ observations) using R
  • Identify and manage missing data
  • Analyze focus group data
  • Prepare manuscripts for dissemination in under 2 months

Teaching Assistant

University of Colorado Boulder
2020.08 - Current
  • improve overall class participation by implementing group activities and project-based learning.
  • Provided one-on-one tutoring sessions for struggling students, leading to increased understanding and improved grades.
  • Design and implement engaging classroom activities, resulting in higher student interest and motivation.
  • Teach students to collect and analyze their own data in R
  • Teach students to engage in scientific writing

Graduate Research Assistant

University of Colorado Boulder
2020.08 - Current
  • Design experiments/surveys (3+ current projects)
  • Earn and apply for grant funding
  • Use R to organize and analyze data with various advanced statistical techniques
  • Write protocol and materials for ethics board approval
  • Oversee undergraduate research
  • Write and publish in peer reviewed journals (4+ published or in press, 6+ in preparation)

Lead Research Assistant

Tulane University
2017.04 - 2020.01
  • Coauthored articles published in scientific journals.
  • Conducted studies based on researcher protocols, interacting with participants.
  • Organized and analyzed data collected in studies.
  • Collected community sampled data.
  • Trained new research assistants in study protocol and research methods.


PhD - Psychological Science, Social Psychology

University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO

M.A. - Psychological Science, Social Psychology

University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO

B.S. - Psychology and Cognitive Studies with Honors Psychology

Tulane University
New Orleans, LA


  • Survey Design and assessment
  • Factor Analysis
  • Item-Response Theory
  • Multi-level modeling
  • Data Visualization Expertise
  • Mixed methods research
  • Programming Languages (R, HTML)
  • Scientific Writing
  • Quantitative Research
  • Research design
  • Regression analysis
  • Bayesian modeling


  • Data Evaluation Intern, Research to Policy Collaboration, September 2023 - present, Jessica Pugel, MS
  • Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado Boulder, August 2020 - present, Eric J. Pedersen, Ph.D.
  • Lead Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Tulane University, April 2017 - 2020, Damian R. Murray, Ph.D.
  • Research Intern, New Orleans Child Advocacy Center, Children’s Hospital, Spring 2019, Hannah Gilbert - Community Relations Coordinator, Audrey Hepburn CARE Center


  • Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society
  • Feminist Evolutionary Perspective Society
  • Society of Personality and Social Psychology
  • Human Behavior and Evolution Society

Professional Development

  • 2022 Fall intensive teaching workshop series held by University of Colorado Boulder Center for Teaching & Learning
  • 2020 Fall intensive teaching workshop series held by University of Colorado Boulder Center for Teaching & Learning

Manuscripts In Preparation

  • Loria, R.N., Pugel, J., Goldberg, M., Long, B., A Longitudinal SCOPE Method Messaging Trial – Climate Change Fact Sheet, 2023
  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Are the Bombs Red or Blue? Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, 2023
  • Moran, J. B., Oidtman, R., Loria, R. N., Murray, D. R., Pandemic Panic: Longitudinal Analysis of College Student’s Worry of COVID-19, 2023


  • Masters Thesis (MA), Are the Bombs Red or Blue? Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, University of Colorado Boulder, 2023
  • Honors Thesis (B.S.), Adverse Childhood Experiences and Parental Investment Theory, Tulane University, 2020

Conference Talks

  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, annual meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society, June 2023, Palm Springs, CA
  • Loria R.N., Van Boven, L., Pedersen, Eric, E. J., All Bark and No Bite? Comparing Real and Hypothetical Third-Party Punishment, annual meeting of Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, April 2023, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Attitudes towards nuclear weapons, 2022 Compassion Week for Decision Research Lab, August 2022, Eugene, OR
  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, annual meeting of Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, April 2022, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Loria, R.N., Pedersen, E. J., Outgroup distrust and belief in a punitive hell, 2020 Compassion Week for Decision Research Lab, August 2021, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Pedersen, E. J., Outgroup distrust and belief in a punitive hell, annual meeting of Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, July 2021, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, Annual Ekstrand CU Boulder Psychology and Neuroscience mini-convention, April 2021, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Kerry N., & Murray, D. R, Gluttons for Punishment? Experimentally Induced Hunger Unexpectedly Reduces Harshness of Suggested Punishments, Flyover-State Scientists Integrating Evolution conference, August 2019, Stillwater, OK
  • Loria, R.N., Kerry N., & Murray, D. R, Gluttons for Punishment? Experimentally Induced Hunger Unexpectedly Reduces Harshness of Suggested Punishments, annual meeting of Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, June 2019, Boston, MA

Conference Posters

  • Loria R.N., Pedersen, Eric, E. J., All Bark and No Bite? Comparing Real and Hypothetical Third-Party Punishment, annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, February 2024, San Diego, CA
  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, February 2022, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Pedersen, E. J., Outgroup distrust and belief in a punitive hell, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Preconference for Evolutionary Psychology, February 2022, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, annual meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society, June 2021, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, May 2021, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Flores, A., Slovic, P., Pedersen, E. J., Van Boven, L., Attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the impact of partisan framing, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Preconference for Evolutionary Psychology, February 2021, virtual
  • Loria, R.N., Moran, J.B., & Murray, D. R., Perceived Vulnerability to Disease Predicts Minor Infections Not Major Illnesses, annual meeting of Society of Personality and Social Psychology, February 2020, New Orleans, LA
  • Loria, R.N., Moran, J.B., & Murray, D. R., The Education of the Over-perception Bias: How Error Management Theory Can be Used as Sexual Assault Prevention, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Preconference for Evolutionary Psychology, February 2020, New Orleans, LA
  • Loria, R.N., Kerry N., & Murray, D. R., Gluttons for Punishment? Experimentally Induced Hunger Unexpectedly Reduces Harshness of Suggested Punishments, annual meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society, May 2019, Boston, MA
  • Loria, R.N., Kerry N., & Murray, D. R., Conservative Parenting: Investigating the Relationships between Parenthood, Moral Judgment, and Social Conservatism, Tulane University Dean’s Advisory Council Undergraduate Research Poster Session, March 2019, New Orleans, LA
  • Loria, R.N., Kerry N., & Murray, D. R, Gluttons for Punishment? Experimentally Induced Hunger Unexpectedly Reduces Harshness of Suggested Punishments, annual meeting of Society of Personality and Social Psychology, February 2019, Portland, OR
  • Loria, R.N., Kerry N., & Murray, D. R, Conservative Parenting: Investigating the Relationships between Parenthood, Moral Judgment, and Social Conservatism, annual meeting of Human Behavior and Evolution Society, July 2018, Amsterdam, NE
  • Loria, R.N., Kerry N., & Murray, D. R, Conservative Parenting: Investigating the Relationships between Parenthood, Moral Judgment, and Social Conservatism, annual meeting of The Southeastern Evolutionary Perspective Society, July 2018, Savanah, GA

Teaching And Mentorship Experience

  • Lab instructor, University of Colorado Boulder, Research Methods, Fall 2020 - Spring 2023
  • Tutor, Tulane University, Univariate Statistics I, Spring 2018
  • Tutor, Tulane University, Philosophy of Consciousness, Fall 2018

Relevant Work Experience

Behavioral Line Technician, Within Reach Center for Autism - Applied Behavioral Analysis Center, New Orleans, LA, Jenny Anderson, LBA, BCBA

Honors And Awards

  • University of Colorado Boulder Grant – 2023 ($3000)
  • Graduate mentor for recipient of Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, 2022 ($2,000)
  • Tulane Faculty Award for Research and Psychological Science, 2020
  • Oscar Lee Putnam Cultural and Intellectual Enrichment Grant, 2019 ($1,000)
  • The Anne M. McPherson Memorial Student Award, 2019 ($500)
  • Newcomb-Tulane College Dean’s Travel Grant, 2018 ($787.36)
  • Newcomb-Tulane College International Travel Grant, 2018 ($1,437)
  • Newcomb College Institute Conference Grant, 2018 ($887.59)
  • Tulane Honors Program Summer Research Grant, 2017 ($3,500)
  • Tulane Honors Program Summer Research Grant, 2018 ($3,500)

Campus Activities And Leadership

  • Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society, Student Representative (2021 - current)
  • Social Psychology Anti-Racism Committee, President (2021-current)
  • Psi Chi International National Honor Society (2019-2020)
  • New Orleans National Alliance on Mental Illness (2017-2020) Festival Art Co-director (2017)

Professional References

  • Eric J. Pedersen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, 80309, (303)735-5372,
  • Leaf Van Boven, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, 80309, (303)735-5238, Vanboven@Colorado.EDU
  • Damian Murray, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, 70118, (504) 862-3344,


  • Testing and Measurement (Fall 2023)
  • Health Psychology (Spring 2023)
  • Multi-Level Modeling (Fall 2022)
  • Social Cognition (Fall 2022)
  • Bayesian Statistics (Spring 2022)
  • Graduate Research Methods (Spring 2022)
  • R Programing (Fall 2021)
  • Personality and Social Psychology: Stereotyping/Bias/Intergroup Relations (Spring 2021)
  • Graduate Statistics (Fall 2020 - Spring 2021)
  • Proseminar – social personality (Fall 2020/Fall 2021)
  • Evolutionary Models in Psychology, graduate seminar (Fall 2019)


  • Kerry, N., Al-Shawaf, L., Barbato M., Batres, C., Blake, K.R., Cha, Y., Fernandez, A.M., Galbarczyk, A., Chauvin G.V., Clifton J., Ghossainy, M., Jang D., Jasienska G.,Karasawa M., Laustsen, N., Loria, R.N., Luberti, F., Moran, J.B., Pavlovic, Z., Bang Petersen M., Smith, A.R., Žeželj, I., Murray D.R., Parenthood and parental care motives are associated with increased social conservatism: Experimental and cross-cultural evidence, Proceedings B, 2022
  • Flores, A., Cole, J.C., Dickert, S., Eom, K., Jiga-Boy, G.M., Kogut, T., Loria, R.N., Mayorga, M., Pedersen, E.J., Pereira, B., Rubaltelli, E., Sherman, D.K., Slovic, P., Västfjäll, D., Van Boven, L., Politicians Polarize and Experts Depolarize Public Support for COVID-19 Management Policies Across Countries, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022
  • Loria, R.N., Lieberman, D., Pedersen, E.J., The Elements of Gratitude, Oxford Handbook of Evolution and the Emotions, In press
  • Kerry, N., Loria, R. N., Murray, D. R., Gluttons for Punishment? Experimentally Induced Hunger Unexpectedly Reduces Harshness of Suggested Punishments, Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 2019,


Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Research

Graduate Certificate in Teaching


Data Evaluation Fellow

Research to Policy Collaboration
2023.09 - Current

Teaching Assistant

University of Colorado Boulder
2020.08 - Current

Graduate Research Assistant

University of Colorado Boulder
2020.08 - Current

Lead Research Assistant

Tulane University
2017.04 - 2020.01

PhD - Psychological Science, Social Psychology

University of Colorado Boulder

M.A. - Psychological Science, Social Psychology

University of Colorado Boulder

B.S. - Psychology and Cognitive Studies with Honors Psychology

Tulane University

Graduate Certificate in Quantitative Research

Graduate Certificate in Teaching

Riley Loria