Seasoned individual with 20+ years working in the community providing sales , customer coordination and management with one of a kind outside the box approaches . My experience and attention to behavior and environment allows for quick thinking , adjustable approaches that reach every individual personally and not based on one cookie cutter idea.
Responsible for all aspects of sales . Promoting Lessons, coordinating schedules for equestrian Lessons, marketing tables at events , Billing and payments as well as identified potential customers through marketing and utilized followup tactics to ensure sales of either lessons leasing or boarding at the equestrian facility. I also coordinated all after care and followup to maintain positive customer relations while building a confident and positive business relationship.
Supported Adult living was an Independent living model for those affected with mental Health , Drug/alcohol or homelessness throughout the city of Philadelphia Primarily. My job as a case manager was to coordinate with an identified population to secure appropriate independent living housing and the coordinate what supports the individual would need inside their home as well as coordinate all the individuals appointments and medications. while completing these tasks helping the individual determine what improvements of their quality of life they wanted or needed. This position required quick thinking, significant attention to detail as well the ability to adjust reactions and responses based on how receptive the individual was to the topic of discussion or intervention.