Work History
Clearance Level

Roger Keppen

Pearl City,HI


An energetic and talented Naval Intelligence Officer that is retiring with over 12 years of collections experience in the Northeast Asia, China, and Indo-Pacific regions. With a total of 25 years of overall active duty intelligence experience in the United States Navy, held critical leadership positions at United States Indo-Pacific Command Northeast Asia Division, Pacific Fleet Intelligence Directorate(N2), Commander Destroyer Squadron Three-One and The Office of Naval Intelligence in Washington D.C. Excels at analyzing unique and complex issues, building teams across multiple disciplines and organizations, and executing adaptive solutions.


years of professional experience

Work History

Deputy Branch Chief: Operations Integrations

Defense Intelligence Agency, USINDOPACOM
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
12.2023 - Current

* Manages and executes all Joint Collection Working Groups (JCWG) for INDOPACOM. Ensures collections priority alignment among all five component commands and two sub-component commands subordinate to USINDOPACOM, including PACFLT, PACAF, MARFORPAC, USARPAC, SOCPAC, USFK, and USFJ. This also includes the coordination of all combined FVEY partner collection operations, ensuring maximum information and collections requirements sharing synergy is achieved among INDOPACOM, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Has chaired over 40 JCWGs during 11 months as a DIA employee.

* Lead Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Coordinator. Oversees the tasking of over 50 airborne collection assets at five international locations to ensure maximum resource efficiency and INDOPACOM priority alignment. Has dynamically and successfully re-tasked over 60 missions to fill critical intelligence gaps for INDOPACOM, subordinate component commands, the Office of Naval Intelligence, and the Joint Inter-Agency Task Force West.

* Lead Weather Effects Briefer. During a time of significant manning challenges, I filled a critical role as the lead meteorological officer; this gap forced me to become self-taught in a span of two days. Has conducted over 100 morning briefs to J2 and INDOPACOM executive staff, with numerous positive comments on how I've changed the delivery of weather's impact on collections and operations. This method has now become the established way forward for briefing weather in the J2C.

* Lead Collection Requirements Management Course(CRMC) Coordinator and Instructor. Has coordinated 2 CRMCs totaling over 40 students, locally in Hawaii. While leading a team of 5 instructors, this has saved DIA approximately $60,000 in travel and lodging costs alone while ensuring INDOPACOM collection managers receive focused and relevant training crucial to the future of the community in the Pacific. Has instructed 3 blocks for 2 iterations of the CRMC including Collections Strategies, Introduction to Collections, and Collection Systems.

* Lead Operations and Intelligence Briefer for J2C. Has conducted over 20 briefs to the INDOPACOM Commander on collection effectiveness, asset status, and sortie satisfaction. This presentation is the first of its kind for J2C and has now become the benchmark for informing executive level decision makers on priority management and national asset allocation.

Department Head for ISR/Collections Division

Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI
05.2020 - 11.2023

* Managed a team of 20 personnel and led the employment of all forward deployed Pacific Theater Navy ISR Aircraft in collection and dissemination of critical priority intelligence requirements(PIRs) and essential elements of information(EEIs) for United States Pacific Fleet and USINDOPACOM in the Northeast Asia, China, and Indo-Pacific Regions.

* Directly responsible for the regular integration of Navy P-8, EP-3, TRITON and Air Force JSTARS, U2, RIVET JOINT for Navy specific intelligence collection which has improved the locating of adversarial maritime units by 200% while also improving the collection of top priorities for both INDOPACOM and Pacific Fleet Commanders and Intelligence Directors.

*Led a joint, multi-component team of 12 personnel to generate a full airborne ISR schedule in direct support of one of the highest level, U.S. government congressional delegation visits to Taiwan. Resulted in 100% mission execution and full situational awareness of the visit from beginning to end.

* Managed and coordinated over 100 four-star level briefings to COMPACFLT staff to inform daily decisions and strategy for theater-wide airborne and overhead collection, force allocation, and integral multi-INT collection posture.

*Utilized new and upcoming collection technologies to fulfill intelligence gaps while working with joint service components to gather intelligence needs and determine which methods would be most beneficial. Routinely coordinated across all INDOPACOM components to assess the most efficient methods in which to employ unique collection opportunities and reporting mechanisms.

*While supporting INDOPACOM and COMPACFLT Priorities, managed 26 highly-visible collection operations plans being implemented in over 1,100 intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting(ISR-T) missions.

* Developed procedures for full motion video collection and exploitation which directly resulted in the development of collection concepts critical in future sourcing decisions

* Directed over 100 space-based, multi-INT collection postures for critical and developing intelligence priorities in the INDOPACOM AOR including China aggression towards Taiwan, North Korean missile activity, and Russia's out of area maritime activity.

Intelligence Department Head

Destroyer Squadron Three One
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI
05.2018 - 05.2020

* Managed the collection processes and dissemination of over 300 intelligence reports from 7 U.S. Destroyers during operations in the vicinity of China, East and Southeast Asia during periods of heightened conflict in the region

* Officer in charge of intelligence and collection for 2 unprecedented, real-world, operations against highly capable adversaries in the THIRDFLT area of responsibility leading to 70 after action reports, 30 daily briefs, and 500 pieces of imagery. Coordinated with over 10 outside organizations through both operations which led to multiple re-assessments by executive departments in Washington DC including the Office of Naval Intelligence and the Defense Intelligence Agency.

*Developed the entire Visual Identification training curriculum which was to collect, report, and disseminate unclassified intelligence and OSINT on adversarial Naval units during un-safe and un-professional interactions with U.S. Naval units at sea. This was critical in accurately collecting and reporting aggressive maneuvers by China and Russia in a maritime environment that could endanger U.S. Sailors and could be reported to the open press.

Northeast Asia Branch Chief

United States Indo-Pacific Command
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI
06.2015 - 05.2018

* During heightened tensions in North Korea, generated Surveillance and Reconnaissance threat guides that were briefed directly to the Secretary of Defense on Surface-to-Air threats to U.S. Airborne Collection Platforms. This was critical to developing executive level risk assessments in planning during times of heightened conflict in the region.

* Leveraged OSINT to compliment classified information on North Korean missile provocations which was critical in developing accurate, peer reviewed multi-INT based assessments for INDOPACOM key decision makers and international partners.

* Managed a team of 14 military and civilian personnel in the creation of over 200 intelligence reports, and 40 briefings to Indo Pacific Command Staff on North Korean threats to U. S. joint forces on the Korean Peninsula. His team's involvement in the many successes at INDOPACOM led to a "by name" request for him to conduct international briefings to high-level Republic of Korea representatives at DIA headquarters in Washington D.C. which proved to be crucial in long standing bi-lateral focus and strategies.

* Delivered nine intelligence briefings to executive level J3 and J35 strategic operational planning conferences and Joint/Japan bilateral exchanges. This directly affected planning initiatives and resource allocation and international cooperation on the North Korean Warning Problem

Russia and Levant Cyber Analyst/Watch Officer

Office of Naval Intelligence
Suitland, MD
02.2012 - 06.2015

* Created the first ever Russia/Levant Cyber analysis branch in the Information Dominance Warfare Division and co-developed the team's first production plan against the most critical EUCOM Priority Intelligence Requirements.

* Developed and delivered 11 briefings regarding the cyber, electronic warfare and C5ISR portfolio to COMSIXTHFLT leadership and EUCOM based attache's. This information allowed executive level decision makers the ability to create both defensive and offensive cyber initiatives in the EUCOM AOR.

*Provided crucial cyber threat analysis briefings for the Vice Chief of Naval Operations as well as 3 exchanges with Fleet and Navy research and development organizations related to the Syrian Crisis. As a result, critical courses of action were taken by COMSIXTHFLT, Combined Task Force-1060, the Naval Research Lab, and the Office of Naval Research to rapidly address gaps in the cyber intelligence problem set.


East Asia Certification - East Asia Studies

Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA

Bachelor of Arts - International Security And Conflict Resolution

San Diego State University
San Diego, CA

Associate of Arts - Liberal Arts And General Studies

Chaminade University of Honolulu
Honolulu, HI


  • Collections Management
  • Airborne ISR Resource Management
  • All Source Intelligence Analyst
  • Naval Operational Intelligence Expert
  • Data Fusion/Integration
  • Exceptional Communication
  • Public Speaking/Briefing
  • Team Building

Clearance Level

Current TS/SCI clearance through 2025


  • Naval Warfare: INDO-PACIFIC Cadre
  • Far East Asia and Pacific Masters Certification
  • Information Warfare
  • Intelligence Officer Qualification
  • DIA Certified Adjunct Instructor


Deputy Branch Chief: Operations Integrations

Defense Intelligence Agency, USINDOPACOM
12.2023 - Current

Department Head for ISR/Collections Division

05.2020 - 11.2023

Intelligence Department Head

Destroyer Squadron Three One
05.2018 - 05.2020

Northeast Asia Branch Chief

United States Indo-Pacific Command
06.2015 - 05.2018

Russia and Levant Cyber Analyst/Watch Officer

Office of Naval Intelligence
02.2012 - 06.2015

East Asia Certification - East Asia Studies

Naval Postgraduate School

Bachelor of Arts - International Security And Conflict Resolution

San Diego State University

Associate of Arts - Liberal Arts And General Studies

Chaminade University of Honolulu
Roger Keppen