Ron is a second generation real estate broker auctioneer, specializing in Commercial Residential and Agricultural Properties. He also carries the (CAI) Certified Auctioneers Institute designation, the (AARE) Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate and te (CES) Certified Estate Specialist, a compilation of course studies at Indiana University along with the (UCMA) United Country Master Auctioneers designations. Ron is also a member of (RLI) Realtors Land Institute, specializing in land brokerage relating to a variety of land types inducing land, farms, recreational & hunting properties, country and luxury homes, commercial, subdivision of land tracts and auction properties.
Worked in a family real estate and auction company, responsible for transactions involving private and auction sale properties. I also spent 10 years during this period in the corporate auction world in North America, responsible for equipment and over the road transportation vehicles.